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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I've been playing for years. Started playing THPS4 some months after it came out, and finally got a network adapter (PS2) to play online. Where I met a few people, which heavily influenced me. Acid, Fire, Banks, Andy, and a few others. Banks got me to get THUG1. Which, I heavily enjoyed. I didn't for a few months, then I actually did after losing contact with Banks. Would play in the Newbie and west coast servers. You heard of the whole tXo thing right? I have no clue what got me into that server, but I did go into there. Played with a bunch of really good people from clans like F8, txo, SiN, gFx, aSS.. and a few others. Ran across banks again (Wierd.. yeah..) and got into his clan that he ran (gFx) a long time later with details that I don't feel like typing up. That ended when spring rolled around and everyone was getting out and such. I think I was in 7th grade, was pretty fat. Lol.

    I was pretty good.. don't have any vids or anything, but you could probably go into a THPS forum (Popular, good one) and someone's bound to know the name enj0i.

    Then THUG2 came out.. wow.. I was.. pretty dissapointed with it. But played anyway 'cause of the people I knew and shit. Quit about a month into it.. because.. well, I hated it. A few people from my ex-clan.. .:X:. got me to play again.. I dunno, around February. Got me playing full time pretty much then. Andy got into a well known clan (aSS) and well, I started going with him a bit.. and some more. So finnally.. I wanted in.. as did a few other people. Made friends with a bunch of them.. and yeah. I almost got in. I don't even remember why I didn't. :/

    Pretty much sucked. You've heard of airwg and his famous 1 billion runs right? Used to be in the same room (server room.) watching him do it.. sadly.. THAW release came too early and he gave up..

    So then ofcourse, i waste my 50 bucks on it. And am even more dissapointed. I found the story fun, but there were a lot of uneeded things. Like free running, or whatever it was. And that.. burt slide. Ofcourse it had to be learned to cope with, but people make mistakes sometimes. The levels wern't as fun.. create a park wasn't NEAR as good, no Create a deck, the tunnels were just masks for loading. Poor attempt. Kinda obvious what it was doing.

    Nothing HUGE in terms of innovativation was added. THPS2 was manuals.. THPS3 was reverts, THPS4 was spine transfer / flatland tricks that wern't specials, THUG was walking and wallplants. THUG2.. had rolls and flips... was useful. But nothing big. THAW had NOTHING that was really useful in terms of kicking ass online. Didn't find the extra, uneeded options fun, but that's my opinion.

    So there's my huge and totally uneeded story. I've been quite some places.

    What's new in THP8?

    Edit: Just saying, I met someone through thug2, and his neighbor is my best friend whom I love to death.

  2. Things started going downhill with Tony Hawks Underground. I liked it, but it just wasn't there like thps3 or 4. THUG2 really sucked.. then thaw.. was horrible.. so I'm not suprised project 8 is bad. Probably won't get it for a long, long time. Thanks for reminding me it exists and to be glad I didn't waste 50 bucks on it to play online with a bunch of noobs.

  3. It may have to do with how there's such a shortage on them, possibly? Or maybe the whole "NTSC" and "PAL" thing.. I've never understood that though. Just that NTSC was North America and PAL was elsewhere is how I've taken it.

  4. Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

    Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

    So if you talk with more girls, the more you will be experienced and will be able to find someone more better than the person you like?

    Basically, yeah. It opens your horizons, and makes you see who or what you do and don't like. Kind of how this one girl likes me, but I don't like her. As for one, she seems like she'd just want me to buy her a lot of things. Two, eh. I'm more into skinny dark headed chicks.. but this isn't really the reason.... and I just don't like her personality.

    I don't have a job.. yet. I'd be suprised if I could find a job around here that lets 16 year olds work. I've got another 10 or so months before.. so yeah. I'm 15.

  5. I'm pretty sure it'd tell you in the readme whether you have to replace it or you can just add it in. I'd imagine vehicles and peds and the like would have to be replaced, and more pieces of land would be just added.

    Since no one has answered your question.. I just thought I'd give it theory from someone who's never modded.

  6. Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

    Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

  7. Not exactly. I still need to use passwords to enter them. And like I said, I was just checking into that little situation we had a week or two back. Which is between me and Ciaran, no one else. Even though it's known publicly, don't ask.

  8. Well Just make sure you ask her out, and as spaz said, You always get rejected on your first time. Trust me this happened to me alot.

    I can imagine why it's happened to you a lot. <_<

    If you don't know her well, I wouldn't suggest asking her out. I mean, she might still say yes, sure. But the way it worked out with me (First girl I asked out ever. It's easy.) we didn't know eachother and it turned up we didn't have much in common.

    And yeah. Being consistent with these things doesn't work. Unless you like being asked out by the ugly girls 5 times a day. (Metaphorkinda. :P)

    Day was good.. think I might go to the game tonight. Don't know yet. Ya know what I do at games right? ^_^

  9. Yeah, there's that little glitch you have to watch for. It's rather simple to get past it. I got it figured out on how to buy just one of something the first time I bought 5 of an item I just wanted one of. :|

  10. Good, good. The stores actually been 'open with lower prices' for awhile now. The warning just wasn't taken down. Haha. You guys got a whole plan for a gangwar? I'm sure another one or two gangs will pop up and go big in a few months. A fourway gangwar will be interesting. Threeways arn't so well. We experienced that Summer 05...

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