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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. This gets old. No warez on the forums. If you REALLY want one, go search for it. But the game is so cheap now, why not just go out and buy it. 10 dollars isn't going to kill you.


  2. How can you say that?? This a Big super MOD!! Did you test him?? no apparently...

    So test him and talk after, you will be astonished...

    We don't care about the compilation, the most important is that with the final one we have a SUPER MOD!!!

    Damn dude, it's just their opinion. Like it is your opinion that the compilation is 'astonishing.' I havn't tried it.. probably never will get the chance to. But IMHO, it was just a waste of time. Like 888ball said "Anyone can download a huge amount of mods..."

    Anyway, good job on it. Seems like you did put a lot of time into it.

  3. i have no problem with who you respect. i respect most of them as well. no one should have problems with who others respect.

    Uh. You know dude, I doubt you know who half of those people are. Anyway, I just said that because usually there's some smart ass that comes along and says ' ew omgz u liek dat perzon!/!11 ' Maybe not anymore, I dont really come here much now-days.

    Forgot: Jaruff, smartboy, and Believer

    Ha. My bad Smartboy, havn't talked to you / seen you in awhile.

  4. The staff, obviously. People I respect? Quite a few, those who contributed in the past, really. This is a user name, Pagan Guru ( Jeez, do I miss this guy.. ), Tom, 888ball, Joyrider, Osiris ( Insane_Pyro), Lance, C.O.D., Genocide, Ocelot, Corporate_Nothing ( Now goes to a Catholic school ), Biggamer, Zino, Spaz, Claudia, Ryan Calvano(sp?), Cam, Phil. I probably missed a few, obviously that dates back QUITE awhile. And if you have a problem with who I respect, well. Fuck off, really. Me. Not you.

  5. Eheh? Lol? I don't date girls, I never had a date, my friends tell me it's a disappointment for a 15-year-old, but hell I don't really care what they say.

    Whoa, I dono what made you imply that, but just for the record, NO.

    Heh, no dude.. just giving an example.. Im 14 and've never had a date either.. not worried about it. But.. atleast you've never had a date if you dont date girls I suppose.

  6. I never expected you to post anything like this, although it's nice to feel the serious, or sentimental side of you.

    I had many crushes since I was 9, probably one in every two years. I'm currently 15, so I probably had 3 or 4. As for myself, I never had a relationship, and not planning to get into one soon. I know it's not right having relationships at this age, I'm still too young for that, but I'm pretty sure I know how this so called "true love" is like. I read the whole post, I didn't understand 100% of it, but I think I still got most of the picture.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

    Eh, thats the thing.. it's MUCH easier to meet people in school and have little relationships ( imo ) so you can date a variety of girls ( I HOPE you date girls :P ) I mean you might like bitchy girls, where as I hate them. Heh.. just my 10 cents.

    Good to see you letting out a bit of your emotions though dude.

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