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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Why wasn't pyro added though? I swear I made that suggestion in the staff forum, maybe not...

    Well, I suggested it. And you supported it.. so yeah. Atleast that's how I recall it.

  2. whoah slayer how old r u? only one? tha sucks, are u very outgoing to girls?

    Not everyone wants to have a girlfriend all the time. I mean, it's like around here.. I've found no one I really like at all. Though eh.. freshman come next year.. ^_^ (Sophomore for those of you that don't know..)

    I guess since Mark said it, I might as well to as I'm kinda embarrased over it. I'm straight, but find some guys kinda hot. And have no intentions of being gay (Just my morals, no offence guys)

  3. Well, he's gone for a long, long time. Don't have the ability to ban (Damn you! :P) so yeah. Suspended for years.

    I bet he likes lesbians though, too. But oh! They arn't good enough, they obviously have to be REAL men because that's who dominates. -_-

    (Last sentences was sarcastic for you slow ones..)

  4. no offense or anything but there should be no gays or bi's in here, playing GTA is about being a MAN a straight man that is, look at all the gta main characters they're not gay, so neither should YOU,

    sorry but somebody had to say it, im just speaking for the rest of them who wanted to say it but were afraid to

    Wow, you arn't mature enough to even play a grand theft auto game. I mean, you think JUST BECAUSE the main characters in VIDEO GAMES are straight you HAVE to be like them? Drink some bleach, please.

    Not only guys play grand theft auto, girls do too. So you're also saying only guys can play? Mmm.. good job.

    If you have nothing good to say, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

    Woodland Park Road ftw?

  5. Thanks to Corporate_Nothing for extracting the pics for me.

    Way back from January 2005. Around a year and a half ago.

    Original topic: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...ic=1304&hl=

    Jim:10:00am:Yeah, so this is the day to relax and go offroading. It's sunny and warm. What could go wrong?


    Jim:3:30pm: Here I am, after exploring the country side, getting ready for some lunch.


    Jim:3:40pm:After I have my lunch in the truck I look up to see bad weather heading my way. I best try to get home.

    Jim:3:41pm: I'm headin' toward the highway.I decide to head to shelter for the night in an old shack with a trailor beside of it.

    Jim:3:50pm:I knock on the door. A guy named John answers and lets me stay the night.


    Jim:5:30am: I am awakend by a car wreck. I take a peek outside only to see a few feet of rain and a few cars piled up.


    Jim:5:40am:Me and John are heading north to higher ground in my truck.

    Jim:5:50am:Later I skidded off into the opposing lane across a bridge into the middle of the two bridges. We get out alright but my truck doesnt. It gets swallowed by the flood water.

    Jim:5:55am:I found an old abandond car. We drive it south, John telling me about a Rancher and the guy willing to trade it for any car.


    Jim:6:01am: I find the hotel the guy is staying at. I trade the old beater for the rancher. Now were headin' for Angel Pine.


    Jim:6:33am: We arrive at angel pine, things look clear so we head to the near-by Cluckin' Bell.


    Jim:7:00am: Carl, my cousin, calls and asks me to check up on his garage in Doherty up in San Fierro.

    Jim:7:23am:We get to the freeway, go off our exit only for part of it to be flooded. I take a chance and lose to the puddle. We walk up a few hundred feet and find a taxi.


    Jim:7:30am: We get to the Doherty Fire Department and have to get out because of the water. We walk over to the garage and call Carl. He tells us to go to his car lot and one of his associates will take us to a hotel to crash in.


    Jim:4:30pm:The water has risin up alot in the past hours. Carl informs us the him and the guys moved to higher ground and are safe. He also tells us of his home on the twisty path in Calton Heights and the truck in his garage.


    Jim:4:42pm:We get to the garage, get the truck and head toward Gant Bridge.


    Jim:5:21pm:A few detours and a near death experience later we make it across. Bayview Marina is completley flooded.

    Jim:5:30pm:We stop at a Diner right before a flooded road.


    Jim:6:00pm: We turn around and detour through a grass hill toward El Quebrados.

    Jim:6:46pm:We make it to El Quebrados and rent a hotel for the night.

    Jim:8:00am: Early start. Were heading for the Sherman Dam.

    Jim 9:34am:The roads flooded.. luckily I know the desert very well.

    Jim:9:46am:I make it to the the backside of the dam, I drive off hoping to land on the cement, which I did.


    Jim:10:03am: I'm heading toward "The Big Ear" to try and get a lift to the mansion, or even a boat to drive to it.

    Jim:11:00am: I manage to get a small inflatable boat, better than nothing.

    Jim:3:40pm:We make it to the masion, go inside to wait the weather out.

    The end :mellow:

    I know the ending really sucks ass, and the story.. meh. I dunno.

  6. not as good as sa but true crime ny city is pretty cool. and its freeplay.

    Yeah.. rent it though. I bought it when it first came out, kinda regret it.

    It's all personal opinion.. the "true crime" and "the getaway" series' are like it. Sort of. And Driv3r / Driver: Parallel Lines.

  7. life iz nice, just now back from kamp, and In a few weeks leving to america to cedar point. 1 of you eva bin there?

    Just.. spell correctly. Please. It's easier for everyone.

    Anyways, it's alright over here in NC. Got my home moved in its spot right now.. they're workin on it as I type.

    Going on a vacation (Missouri.. heh..) hopefully sometimes within the next 5 months. Cousin is getting her license, and I've got.. some money. Yeah, sort of solo.

  8. I dont look off of other peoples stunt videos to get ideas. I work my way up...if i start off by looking at the best videos and i do the type of stunts they do then i cant improve much now can I...I would have to improve with the crowd after people discover new types of tricks as i move at my own pace and if i find out the stunts on my own i could figure out even more i i go on...thats my stratagy.

    How do you know if you've found a "new" stunt if you don't watch other people's vids? No offence, just wondering.

  9. No one is required to post in your topics, or anyones for that matter.

    BTW, if you havn't noticed, there is a gta4 wishlist already.


    And the search feature might help you, too.


    if you look at the new posts place, it says almost alll tilly. and look at how many post i do a day on average, 13 posts. You dont even do that much.

    Post count doesn't matter. And you've been here for what, THIRTEEN days? Wow. That's why your PPD is that much.

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