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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Andrew.. please, shut the hell up. You're getting no where. And Spaz is right, why're you on a computer? Most 7 year olds I know are outside playing and stuff.

    I still don't understand this drawball thing.. havn't even took a look at it. Except for some stuff Spaz sent.

  2. I vote 10 becuase with the rising population of wiggers, they're the only musicians left that arnt rapping.

    I seriously hope you're being sarcastic about this one... except for the wigger part.. heh. We all know that's true..

    A lot of the population enjoys this type of music (and rap..) and say other genre's suck when they've never listened to any of it. I still seriously dislike them, though. I'm more into industrial, electronica, dark ambience and the like.

  3. Mod Please close this forum this person has put this in the wrong place.

    One: Don't bump old topics. Unless it's an actual good one.

    Two: Close this forum? Hahahah. You mean topic. Know what you're talking about when you try to tell the mods what to do.

    Three: NEVER tell a mod what to do. We wouldn't be moderators if we had no idea what we were doing.

  4. why do you think i have something against hawaii. but whats the crime rate there, and what could you... do there? theres nothing you could do sept blow up houses and rob hotels. and blow up the volcano. maybe we could have another island like TOKYO** that the crim rate is veyr high and you could actually DO stuff there.

    Rockstar games is a very creative company.

    And Tokyo isn't an island as far as I recall. It's on an island called JAPAN.

  5. Ok, I c. Sounds nice. Not that I'm planning to, but is there a hot coffee talk ban? And you also can post mods hu? So if you typ at search bmw, you'll get all those car mods of bmw...

    Yeah, possbibly I suppose. Depends on who works on the section and how they go about doing it.

  6. It's simple when you think about it. Grab a motorcycle, get the sniper rifle from the construction yard. Follow the train to it's stop in Los Santos. Keep your distance until he arrives at his destination, still keeping your distance, snipe both men off.

    Is that all you need?

  7. Hey hey hey watch your language now. Plus I dont look off of others to even find out about new stunts. I like to figure them out for myself.


    Cocky. Ooh, what a bad word. -_-

    That's cool, though. Even though if people keep seeing the same stunts they've already seen in other vids, some might not want to watch anymore of them.. but hey, don't let that stop you from what you're doing. You record for fun, right?

  8. Uh, I have no idea what you mean. I've only done it through my codebreaker, in which you:

    1. Access the flashdrive with the CB

    2. transfer data onto the memory card

    Pretty much it. So uh, yeah. No clue about it.

    Goodluck finding a save game.

    And, be careful. If you load a save that was in one of your save spots (Like how there's 10? (a guess) places for you to save the game) it'll overwrite.

  9. you cant :). its a huge and costly process if you want to.

    Not really.

    You'll need an Codebreaker / ARmax / gameshark if you want to. And a pen drive (USB, flash.. whatever you want to call it)

    What kind of gamesave do you want? 100%, past a certain mission?

    I can get you one for the codebreaker, as that is what I have.

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