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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I had mine tonight. And it kicked ass. First 3 hours or so kinda sucked, girlfriend left (she's too shy. Seriosuly) and heather came got me and i pretty much just grinded with her and some of her friends the rest of the time.

    I'm a whore. I know.

  2. Okay.Well I don't know but i think that was a bump of a topic.

    It's a good topic, so it doesn't matter. As long as the topic is good and/or helpful, a bump is fine (by me)

    Anyways, It's going good. Going to ask this girl out sooon. Her name's Brianna, and yeah. That's all you get to know. We're on Fall Break right now though, so it might be a while.. >.>

  3. Alright.. they arn't really comparable games. Both gta and other freeroaming games are good and bad in their own prespective.

    I kinda liked Driv3r though. Was far from the best or anything.

  4. Mine date back to March 11th.. but here's one from Pagan on the 20th. OF 2004.

    Okay, you guys all have to cooperate. I am planning a strange joke to confuse everyone.

    PaganGuru and Spasmod are the same person, both invented by me

    Insane Pyro and Skyline are both the same person, invented by one of my friends

    Lance Vance and Tony Montana are the same person, invented by a friend that went away.

    Lets see how many people we can confuse laugh.gif

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