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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Well, today I was going to ask a girl ( very lovley I might add ) to homecoming ( look it up if you don't know what it is )

    I mean, the day was perfect, didnt have to do ANYTHING in physical ed, looked good and all that shit.. so I look around all day for her, and it turned out she wasnt there! : (

    Today was shitty.

  2. Ill make this quick..

    My name is Sherman, 13.. 14 tommorow o.O

    Live with both parents in some mobile home ( I hate it : ( ) But im on a mountain.. which is awesome.

    9th year or is it 10.. ( Freshman in highschool ) and it's alright

    Taking english 1, environmental science, physical ed. and home economics ( sucks really bad ).

    I'm straight.. not a loner :P never had a relationship though.. : /

    ANYWAY, today was kind of bad. Someone I knew died, screwed my knee up and missed the tennis match : (

    Yeah, it was womans tennis.. some friends of mine play on the team... they're very fine! :D

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