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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I was setting up my router, and I was changing it to Static IP. Well, my computer gave me the site's ( IP and everything. So, I ended up putting those in instead of my own IP. Then, I forgot to put in the DNS. So now, I cant access the internet through my router. I think I screwed up pretty bad, but is there a way to reset all the information on my router? I have a Linksys Cable/DSL 4-Port router model NR041.


  2. Alright, Im raffling this colt python off. Im using this to figure the numbers. There will be 50 spots, the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have of winning.

    Tickets are 200 dollars. Good luck.

    Nick_Kang - 5 tickets 3 82 35 98 16

    Chris82- 1 ticket 48

    GTAVC- 1 ticket 68

    C. Dragon- 1 ticket 51

    Gtaman-1 ticket 78

    Spasmod- 2 tickets 98 23

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