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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Are you dumb? Fraud is when you steal something from someone without their full consent (sp) ( I think thats the word)

    Anyway, I'm 13.. I've been mistaken for older before. :mellow:

    Fraud is the same thing as conning((sp?)) to me. Basically cheating someone out of something somehow. I'm turning into quite the con-artist.

    Woops, my bad. If tondi were still here, I wonder if he'd tell us he's 10 and shaves his legs. (He'd say that picture was his son or something :lol:)

  2. Are you dumb? Fraud is when you steal something from someone without their full consent (sp) ( I think thats the word)

    Anyway, I'm 13.. I've been mistaken for older before. :mellow:

  3. These were my first forums, besides gfaqs ( I hate them now)

    That's why Chris took off uploading for awhile.. I kept putting pictures on the ends of my posts.. lol. I'm glad I got to stay though, this is like my home forum.

  4. Well, I've decide my name will be FaLse. Thanks for the names though.. maybe some guest will see this. And sign up with one of them. I still want to keep part of my orignal name here though. Skyzed sounds cool (Bryzed, :P) but, maybe I can come up with something.

  5. Well, as you can see, I want a new name. Im not too creative.. so I need some help.

    I want something unique, but not too often used. If you come up with a name I like, I'll give you a machete. Thanks.

    ( Its for forums and games )

  6. Well, I got a responce from Linksys. Im going to try it in a bit. Thanks though.. hope it works.

    Edit: w00t!! I just got it running through the router! (Im using it right now) Thanks for the help, Miller.

  7. Heh, Ill have to fix that then. The router is for my Ps2. So the disk that came with it is no help. And, I can't access that IP through here.. so I cant really change anything. I tried the reset button, all it did was reset the connection.. and it still didn't work. I've already contacted Linksys, but I doubt I'll have my question answered soon.

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