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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. What the hell are you on about TVG? I have no idea where you got all that from

    Read the topic title.. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I think thats the best way, I just jumped around like crazy when I found that invisible wall. I finnaly got in.. lol. Good luck with it, Frank.

  2. ok, whatever, ok, ok, ok, your the boss

    :lol: Dont get all.. scared or w.e..( I see some sarcasm) Just going through 2 pages of topics you dont want to go in gets annoying.

    Yeah, the first version of smoke looked better, imo. Weren't they supposed to change clothes every once in a while?

  3. Nick Kang said that the girl was taken out of the game. But she wasent even suppose to be in the game in the first place. Just for boxart

    It turned into a discussion about people in the box art not being in the final version of the game. Please don't try to argue with me over things ;).

    That 'The truth is out there' mission sounds hard.

  4. oh, ok, thanks, and sory for any problem.

    i can understanding inglesh but i not write very well.

    and im not spanish or german, im brazilian.

    i thanks everybody.


    I'll help make your sentences make a little more sense ;). But yes, welcome here.

    Edit: How did this stay in this category for so long? Oh well, *moved*

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