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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Hye Huck, you got a MSN

  2. Hah, Unlucky, I will update the first post, so guys check it out.
  3. So would you like me to have a go at doing some of those things. You know what would be really useful a To-Do List. To-Do List: billboards car mods etc etc
  4. Oh Djarums, I'm with ya now, I've had a couple of those, I used them as a incent in my room once, they smell heavenly. There is only one place in my city to get the, so it's kinda hard to always have them
  5. Yeah i like having "spin" every once and a while it's nice. You guys have cherry flavored tobacco??....Thats awesome.
  6. Yeah still frozen. @Huck - I have photoshop
  7. I would smoke a whole truck of weed before i start smoking tobacco full time. Tobbacco is shit.
  8. My dad is the excat same, give him a smack,and if he hits you back and you cry he will most likely snap out of it, that happens with my dad.
  9. Thanks guys. @MrLlamaLlama - I tried the arched logo in the middle but it looked kinda weird. With the size, it works fine with me.....
  10. Yeah but at least alot of people will know about it.
  11. I'll get a pic of it by next week , it's up in the mines right now.
  12. I not a player i just fuck alot - big pun
  13. Thanks, With the Ceasar - Grove Sreet alliance thing, i don't think it really matters, it's just a wallpaper of San Andreas
  14. I have some Car show pictures i'll digg em up for yous
  15. I just made a new wallpaper, could you people tell me what you think of it.
  16. Id rather they have a really exciting 3 Way Last Man Standing match Jeff Hardy VS Shawn Micheals VS Randy Orton. That would be an aweosme match.
  17. I would give that a try, if i knew how to captre it.
  18. It's so uncommon that puking happens. Seriously. I've never thrown up while high. I've thrown up while drunk. Although that was only once, it is still more than I have while high((and I've been high way more, so the numbers are there pretty good)). Funny that alcohol being more notorious for throwing up and you choose it over weed because you threw up while high. There's irony in there somewhere. But sorry about your bad high. Those happen and put people off. Eh, oh well, right? I have never thrown up when high either. Drugs are nice for some people and just not for others...i guess Hah, Spaz it was just like weed except it was not obvious the next day, it just gave me the flu symptons. it took about 5 hourse for it to kick in on me. I did it on a monday and i was feeling the effects all the way till late wednesday but they dulled down during that time. I'm pretty sure you would enjoy it. I did. Note: Getting high of nutmeg is dangerous people, it's not just a thing you can take and get high. Take too much and your fucked...seriously, you can suffer short term memory loss.
  19. Mythbusters...Can you extingush a fire using only your voice??
  20. Trust me my man, looks arn't everything. Decent girls would turn you down respectfully not laugh at you. Always put personality first, you can't date a person just becuase they are good looking, you have to have something in common and have a general intrest in each other. I don't know how it is at your school, but all the really pretty girls are dumb skanks who do anything to get attention and do nothing but hook in with everyone at partys...where will they be in 20 years time. Don't go for the stuck-up hot girls go for the smart and CUTE girl that you have an intrest in.
  21. Myspace, simply becuase thats were all my friends are.
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