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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. DO YOU LIKE THE SIMS 2 ? DO YOU LIKE 50 CENT ? Than watch this video
  2. 1.Hip-Hop/ Rap 2.80s Music ( not rock ) 3.Classic / Country 4.Some blues 5.Turkish/Arabian Type Of Music 6.Soul Not in this order
  3. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    You are brown How did you knew that "Brun" means brown ? It is in romanian ...
  4. Yeah man, I ROFLed I couldn`t stop laughing after the doctor said to lil` timmy We replaced you hear with a potato and you have only 3 seconds left to live and Timmy said "What?" BOOM! Timmy exploded .... you mean kenny Yeah, I saw that movie about 2 or 3 years ago ... Forgot the names names ... sorry
  5. Silberio you must Click This Link J/K
  6. I know at the beginning I had a positive attitude regarding snow in GTA 4 but now I doubt it ... Because We all know the game will use other engines, that`s why they took out character customization ( like in SA ) and what makes you think you`ll have seasons ( which are kind of like "environement customization" ) when they took out player customization ?
  7. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    Why did I changed today my display nick name from Gycu to Gycu Brun ?
  8. Anything new about GTA is good ... They made a mistake saying the exclusive content will start Monday 22th June, and today it is 22th but it is Thursday ... 3 days more is not that bad ... I hope both servers won`t crash when the trailer is released ...
  9. PM is after dusk. I always thought of it like PM = post morning, AM = after midnight. Thanks man
  10. Jesus Christ ! There`s blood and pubic hair allover the map Congrats ... Highest Score `till now ...
  11. 1.Bribe Cops ( should be possible only when you have 1 star ), some cops will accept, other will call for backup =-> another star for you 2.Lay low into some bushes ( no one must see you ) 3.When no on pays attention, jump into the water and swim underwater `till you arrive under a bridge or something... 4.Surrender
  12. Yeah man, I ROFLed I couldn`t stop laughing after the doctor said to lil` timmy We replaced you hear with a potato and you have only 3 seconds left to live and Timmy said "What?" BOOM! Timmy exploded ....
  13. Happy Birthday And All You Wish From This Life !

  14. Happy Birthday Carlsberg ! All good things for you man ... Peace .

  15. Excellent ! My timezone is +2 GMT, that means 7:00 PM is the release hour for the trailer, right ? PM is after dusk, or the morning ?
  16. Welcome to TGTAP FuciuVlad ... Something tells me you are romanian ... Probably your name ...
  17. 100 páginas felices de este asunto estúpido ¿Es tu madre una cogida que lame la perra estúpida? ¿Cuántas veces mueves de un tirón? Hy, mi nombre es Silberio, vivo en Chile, pero soy a veces un dolor de mierda en el asno ! ¿Por qué soy español de discurso? ¿Soy un Imbécil de mierda?
  18. Mi nombre es Gycu y soy lleno de mierda What does it mean ? ( I know )
  19. Where are you ? Come Back, we all miss you ... Please ...

  20. Where is GTAplayer, he suddenly dissappeared ? :cry: He was my friend Where did he go ? I want him back, he was such a cool guy :( :(
  21. Watched it a few hours ago, it was really funny ... Scary Movie 1-4 Rush Hour 1&2 All about the benjamins Friday/Next Friday/Friday After Next Jackass 1 & 2 IMO the most funniest movies are those in wich the main characters are 2 or more afro-americans ...
  22. Ahahahhaahahaaahahhahhhah! ROFL ! :lol:
  23. OMG! I finished the school on 15th June this year Today was the last exam for those who were in the 8th grade this year ... I had that exam last year ... 0_0
  24. The "main characaracter" looks more like an zoombie o_0 ... 6700 For Me ( loser ? I know )
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