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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. These are must watch videos ... 2:47 minuts the first and 1:02 minutes the 2nd ... HOT COFFEE Ken : I have been sitting here all night, with the lights off, drinking COFFEE Tommy : ... Can I have som COFFEE first ? Umberto Rombina : No time for coffee Toreno: Wake up and smell the coffee CJ : You need to lay off the coffee ...
  2. I see no question to answer so here`s my question How many Vigilante Missions do you have to do to get full money ( $9.999.999.etc ) ? Aproximate of course ...
  3. I do the same, that error is pretty ennoying, but in about 20 seconds it dissapears ... Lucky that patches save the day ...
  4. Boyz In Tha `Hood was pretty sad at the end ( when that guy who was accepted to college was killed ) but not enough to make me cry ... I was really sad after the movie still ...
  5. I had the same problem, Kandza, but Jace gave me something that fixd it ... Here you go. Just replace the original sa-mp.exe , works for me ... All thanks to Jace for that link ...
  6. Happy Birthday ...

  7. TRANSFORMERS - The Movie Official Site : http://www.transformersmovie.com/ Image: Release date : 21st June - 28th August 2007 Genre : Action/Drama/SF Cast: John Turturo , John Voight, Rachael Taylor, Megan Fox ... Trailer : I`m not a big fan of the Transformers cartoons ( infact I hate the cartoons ) but when I saw the trailer yesterday I realised this movie is a must see ... I already like it ... Probably I`ll have to wait 2 or 3 weeks after the release to see it ... I like the idea of the movie and how they made the characters ... Can`t wait for it ... Edit: I like SF movies with super special effects and loads of building/cars destruction ...
  8. GTA 3 Terrorism - there was a removed mission ( Flying the Dodo into Donald Love`s building ) GTA Vice City - When you blow up that building for Avery ... GTA SA - As Wn32 said that mission in which you bomb a plane ... And probably even that mission in which you must infiltrate into Area 69 ...
  9. I discovered some kool songs by watching some movie trailers on youtube ... fir eg. when I saw the Scary Movie 4 trailer and I found a cool song there sang by an Killing Ipod ... Also I often read a magazine that has a Top 10 Song List For The Respective Week
  10. You are right man ... There are some movies that are cool, and nothing sad happens but at the end, one or more main characters die and it sucks ...
  11. Boy George & Culture Club - Kharma Chameleon ( 80s Music )
  12. You should try www.filefront.com
  13. Gycu

    Grand Theft Auto 5?

    Who is Mike Torok ? Works for R* or what ?
  14. MAJOR EDIT: Just Ignore This Topic, Already POSTED ... 1000x Sorry guys ... Shoot me in the head and CLOSE this stupid topic ...
  15. Funny ... Those are controled by remote-control right ? cool song BTW ... The robots in the middle were the "females" I supose
  16. Oups! Sorry ... Those are pretty usefull ... Anyways, I like this "change" ... I used the new skin for a couple of day but now I switched to the normal one ... I can`t chose ... I`ll find a sollution sooner or later ...
  17. Kool upgrade ... but hey! Are those "Today Top 20 poster "/ "Overall Posters" / "Moderating Team" NEW ? I didn`t noticed these board stats using the normal skin ... Only with the new one ... Kool stats BTW
  18. Hundreds of mails will be useless ... Anyways R* played the "Who pays more, wins! " game and oviously M$ paid more ... so they got DLC ... R* has contract with both Sony and M$ but Microsoft paid for the DLC and Sony didn`t that`s why they get it ... Right ?
  19. Pacs Life - Ashanti, 2pac & TI ... Respect man ... RIP Tupac ... Happy Birthday Tupac Shakur ... You` in my heart man ...
  20. Nice find dude, I like it ... I didn`t noticed this topic ... Months ago I heard about a GTA book ... That guy had too much spear time ...
  21. I`m not sick ... I`m fine ... Games have a good side too ( besided the fact that we sacrifice many hours from our lifes ) ... Games helped me ... Also I don`t think games are a disease ...
  22. Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise ( San Andreas Soundtrack )
  23. Heights for me too but water ? Nope ... Did you had an accident or something like that ? And that`s why you fear water ?
  24. Kool pics kokane ... But please fix the page streching ... I like that black ( golden ) hat ...
  25. According to a magazine her name is Elisabeta ... And that pic is more than 1 or 2 months old ... She could be in a gang or something ... Maybe even Niko`s main enemy ...
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