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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Maybe we`ll see that poster in the game...
  2. I would say that they would rebuild the first 2 cities of GTA and keep SA`s area size so : San Andreas State (44 square kilometres) + Vice City ( rebuilt 10x area size) and of course Liberty City (rebuilt with 10x area size) So the map size should be (after hearing some rumors about the exact GTA cities area size) Here`s my probably very wrong calculations 44 + 10x 6 + 10x 3 = 134 square kilometres
  3. Important deaths. Early 90's: One of my dogs, Pufy, died, unknown cause (diarheea or someting like that) 1998:Grand-GrandMother died at 80 The 00s -Chiripa(named after a dog from a soap opera ) died, a car crushed her head, died after a few hours Zizou(My dad named him after Zidedine Zidane), one of my doggs died, suffered severe burns after falling in a hot substance 2000:January-My uncle died, car crash, instant death, even today I feel sory for him , he was 50 years 2001:Lots of people died in the Twin Towers-September 11 September 2006: Steve Irwin died 2007:My grand-mother's brother died one month ago Edit: GTA-RIP Oposition 1997-2004
  4. Happy Easter to all, I hope the Easter Rabbit will bring you something nice today...OMG I`ve ate almost 2 chocolates...I`m full... QuickEdit:Anyone went to the Church today?Me, no, only my mom...
  5. OMG!I just returned from The Sims 2 (I`ve got all TS2 except Open For Business), and are not piratated, are all original games , I created a character ,graduaded from college, built him 2 houses, maximize all skills now I must get a job and I`m done...Even after 5 non stop hours of playing the game worked perfectly just like when I first entered... GTAPlayer looks like you have played a lot of VCS, but for PSP or PS2?
  6. I heard that the magazine will be avaible starting 18th April 2007 and OPM, 2nd of May, but email the GI editor just to be sure... GI:18th April OPM:2nd May
  7. Now I get it, but unluckely I think I`m the only one in my town and on this forum without a mobile phone, it`s not about the money just that I`m not a big fan of phones, I might buy one this year but I doubt it...
  8. Damn you must of been really hungry I`m kinda sad, I watched a football match, a derby match (like Barca-REal Madrid,AC Milan-Juventus...) between the top teams of my country and my team lost 2-4.
  9. What`s a handy?I`ve never met the word before...
  10. One of the most funniest pictures of me, reasons: -made at school -my hair is a mess -my eyes are almost closed -I look like I`m drunk
  11. Universe>Milky Way>Solar System>Earth>Eastern Europe>ROmania I live in Transilvania, a part of Romania where Dracula is supposed to live altough the castle is far far away in the south...
  12. I`m not that guy but maybe he is Jack Thompson or one of his kids/relatives
  13. I don`t know maybe THE SIMS!!!The main character is a psycho killer not a nerd...
  14. the 3rd idea: in 3 minutes the car is trashed and you need to steal another car, pretty useless but the rest are cool ideas
  15. That`s what I wanted to say, how can you travel by train in a city that doesn`t have trains?Like VC (Miami). Luckely in SA the trains were back. And I just hate the Hot Coffee Mod .
  16. Guys you misread my post, I haven`t said the train scene was in Vice City , I was just saying that we may have Railroads in Vice City if R* will recreate it in the present day(2007 or when GTA 4 takes place) just as they did with Liberty City(from what I`ve seen in the trailer) so if in 2007 LC has railroads and VC has too then you can travel from one city to another...I was just trying to say that there was no trains in GTA VC and that if VC is rebuild it may have railroads, nothing about a scene... And we`ve seen a few glitches in the trailer because probably it was made last year so `till october R* will fix them...I just wonder what line will that russian say in the next trailer, `cuz this Things Will Be Different line had some heavy discusion about it... On-Topic: I already kenw GTA will be different but now R* made us very courious with that line... And we may finally see what`s at the end o the tunnel from Shoreside Valey, I`m dieing to find out...Or maybe is like i GTA 3
  17. Hey I might have the sollution but it has big disadvantages: how about not to see your crimes on the TV downtown or wherever?How about if there is a News Radio Station that tells to the liseners what crimes you did:"A white european person entered the NR# LC Bank and robbed it, police has unrevealed suspects..." Your crimes on the Radio not on TV, everyone would be happy with big disadvantages News Choppers/Helis were in VC and whn you had 3+ stars they were in the air filming you...
  18. 1.OK, now I got it, but who said that the scene takes place in VC?I haven`t wrote that word in any of my posts before the today posts 2.Again, you prove your inability to process simply ideas and sentences---what do you mean by again?when I did that before? 3.I think it`s pretty obvious that the first scene of the trailer takes place in LibertyCity...
  19. What scenes are you taling about?GTA Player said that there is a Visit Vice City sign in the trailer and I told him that VC doesn`t have railroads or trains...
  20. Well If I remember corectly thats sign means nothing because I haven`t seen any train station or railroads in VIce City 1986, of course VC may have in 200?, when GTA takes place, trains and railroads but in 1986 VC didn`t had ...
  21. Other way of burning things(besides the flame-thrower) -Like have a petrol/fuel can (20 litres) and combined with some matches be able to burn what you want -petrol-tank is needed, and also matches, just use the matches to light the trace of the fuel left after shooting a car`s fuel tank or just shoot the petrol tank for a big explosion
  22. Why not put the beard on, rob the bank, then TAKE the beard OFF? It would make more sense that way..... WTF?Were you guys sarcastic or what?Do you really think that the IQ of the cops in GTA 4 will be nule?You gotta be a stupid cop not to recognise a man if he has beard... But how about masks?I liked the clothes you wear in "The Job" from Vice City and the ultimate thing that the main character in GTA needs along with his disguises, are gloves (black ones, like the mob) so the police won`t spot any fingerprints...
  23. So basically every game is moddable?even though some games are easier to mod than others... R* should watch their cards(possible modding files and keep at least 60% of them very harder to mod) otherwise we`ll have HotCoffee Sequel and another scandal
  24. Some guys can`t wait for mods, just to make extreme stunts that they don`t know to do them without using a speed/car respawning et. mod...you can do amazing things without mods... I only like mods that fix something not change it(maybe thoose are not mods...)but I rarely use them... Is it possible to make a game that doesn`t allow modding?I mean a non-moddible one... I`m just worried that R* never released a PC game since june/july 2005, could be a sign that R* didn`t like the controversial mod--> HotCoffee and they might "secure" the game to prevent modding, or only be able to mod a small amount of parts of the game, maybe just only vehicles(real name cars...)/player(appereance-tatoos,hairstyle...) modding or what if ... GTA 4 might be a game that doesn need to much modding, I mean the cars have shading is like modded ones in 3,VC & SA...But someone always will want more from a game... sorry for going a little offtopic
  25. What can`t you guys live without mods? At least play the game in single player mode, beat the game and than mod it, experience 2 ways of playing GTA...
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