Dope underground lyrics
Traim sub dictatura. Sunt binecuvantat de natura / We ( romanians ) live under dictature, I'm blessed by the nature
Cu genul de geniul ce arde incet generand caldura. / With the type of genious which burns slowly generating heath
Las zece degete sa-alerge pe tastatura, / I let (my) 10 fingers slip the keyboard
Refuz sa sec, secatura. / I refuse to dry, dryness!
Ca-s temut ca un tiger, ingenios ca MacGyver, / Cuz I'm feared as a tiger, ingenious like MacGyver
Rapid ca un driver de Viper, precis ca un sniper - / Fast as a Viper driver, precise like a sniper
Ce sanse crezi ca ai tu, fa, sa ma combati la un cypher? / What chances you think you have to beat me at a *cypher?
cypher = a sort of a game, in which while smoking a joint, you have to freestyle at each puff.