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Everything posted by sibraa5

  1. They should make this a public TV Show, It'll work
  2. Seen, well, pretty much all of them. We should protest. He blended IV
  3. sibraa5

    101 Things

    44: 10/m/aus not pedo can i see yours and meet up?
  4. As long as it has GTA 3 cam views(you know, normals, then one to change it to the classic cam view) I'll be fine
  5. Yeah, This is getting a little stupid but it is sometimes funny to post like a noob...
  6. Ah, exactly..I've had a cold for about 2 weeks now...
  7. srsly duds, donnt be such fukken fr00bliez u fukken retarddz. fukkheds.
  8. Aha, Mines messy, I just don;t feel like cleaning it up...
  9. Brokencyde-Schitzophrenia Too hardcore for you guys XD
  10. I dunno what you mean, but how to record? Well open Fraps, Open a game, there should be numbers on a corner, this is the Frames-per-second. Press your video capture hotkey to record, and again to stop recording. If your planning on making Machinima, Use SA camhack
  11. I have the messiest here... If you think that's a lot,you should see meh games folder
  12. Yeah yeah, Tell me what'cha think..i don;t like it, Shoulda stuck with the long hair.. This was just a test pic, nothing to smile about. I looked the same I did then, until about a week or 2 ago. Me now. Yeah, It's blurry but ehh, whatever. EDIT: Updated pic, still blurry but easier to see...
  13. sibraa5

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    A type of sims thing, where you can buy shit for your place, steal it, You can get mugged/robbed etc etc...
  14. The ending with the UFO, Yeah, Random and stupid Get smart looks alright though ,I'll get it when it comes to DVD.
  15. Eh, It's cold here in the mronings to about afternoon..It really sucks..We have a heater but it;s fucking expensive to run -.-
  16. Muse is ONE OF THE BEST! I have 3 of their CD's, a few of their live concerts, HAARP is the best Matt's guitar is so damn loud...
  17. I can do some, even though it may be weird, i'll send ya a voice clip on MSN Next time I see you...
  18. Uninstall then reinstall. Next time, just be sure to backup your files...
  19. So, Sobby, where'd you hear this from then? Whoever told you should go die. If you made it up go die. kthxbye
  20. I tnink he means in next-gen form^^ but YES! VC would look amazing in next-gen!
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