Fatal Frame got scary in some bits. Pretty much the only game that really scared me..
Silent Hill is GREAT! 1 isn't so scary anymore, 2 makes you really piss your pants as the guy above said^^(Goddamn apartments..)
Doom 3 is one of those come-out-of-nowhere scary games. It's creepy.
Resident Evil isn't REALLY scary To be honest...4 was full of f*cked up creatures which was basically the only scary bit...And the oven man..xD
Forbidden Siren was very good, it's basically a stealthy silent Hill. Lots of characters to play as, different stories. T'was gooood.
Condemned was scary at parts. The guy in the locker..whoa..
I havn't played Jericho, but it;s meant to be f*cking scary as hell...
Call Of Cthulu was...eep.
Dino Crisis is VERY GOOD! I loved it! Although not really a horror, it's great.
Clock Tower was jsut strange, along with Haunting Ground.
The suffering wasn't scary, but some bits made you jump..Like when you look in the camera, you see something behind you, you look, nothing..
System Shock 2!
The Blair Witch games are quite good, yet difficult..
Alien Vs Predator 2 was scary in some bits...Well, As humans...
Yeah, I gave you a list >.>