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Everything posted by sibraa5

  1. @Azn/R 6 The thread was for 3. Yeah, it'as not like I'm a basketball player at a high school and break into song out of nowhere.
  2. Probably expensiv e CGI and some good editing software. . .
  3. omfukfukfukfukfukfukfukfukingod. *Drools*
  4. Those girls deserve a death sentence. 5 MINS in the microwave. You a hamster expert or something? No, I'm kidding. Still, biting off your own leg while still attached (or even somewhat) it kind of weird. Animals aren't like us. We can't just give them painkillers and tell them to go to sleep or wrap bandages around their legs. If you were just put in a microwave, your leg was badly burnt, you are a hamster, you can't communicate with anyone, get anyone to help, what would you do? My mouse ate it's babies. I don't know why....I fed it each day..animals are strange creatures. Example:
  5. http://www.yourtv.com.au/news/?i=133619 What a load of bullshit. I guess this proves that disney are just for the money. They announced 4 6 months before 3 was meant to premier. Still, It sucks total cowz ball.
  6. Me either. I don't like Australia much TBH, Not a country tuype person or anything. Hell, Brisbane is too bright and sunny for me. I wanna go to NY.
  7. Who gives a fucking fuck. I say fuckem. Fucking pieces of cowz shit. Pardon my Mexican.
  8. Well, It's easy though..I got a A- on my exam
  9. http://youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU EA Just bought T2.
  10. Heh. I got a C on my Oral Assessment/assignment today. I was told I slacked off a LOT and that I would have got an A if It was more than 20 seconds long. (A for language, things like that) Hm, I also got told the same thing on my SOSE oral...
  11. Old news...I don;t want a third one. It's all a load of crap and it sukz cowz cok.
  12. Hmm...I think I could write scripts...If you want a sample add me to MSN at [email protected] Also, I don't think you can use Camhack in SA-MP anymore. . .
  13. I can maybe write scripts too...But before joining your team if you accept me, Have you got a sample of any of your previous work?
  14. Damn crazy sheephuggers, funny though xD How could a wombat rape you..-.-
  15. Granted, But the disk in the case is really a movie called "My Little Pony Adventures". I wish my wish wouldn't be corrupted
  16. Granted, but it's a fake. Wait. I wish I don;t want a wish.
  17. 1: No rating in the corner... 2: No map 3: Wtf, that disc looks really crappy! So, Fake.
  18. Nice travalogue! too bad they spilled that water, I would have sold it on Ebay
  19. Well, thanks. I lost my appetite for this fish sitting here. thanks. I fveel sorry for the table, Is it ok? Maybe Azn can give it a kiss better.(Joke.)
  20. Granted, But you have 2 minutes to reply to this message before getting it. I wish I had another wish...
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