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Damn, you haven't logged in for over a year. You we're cool..
Guess who it is!
Who's the guy in you're avatar?
Yep, i'm not one of those weirdos who don't buy GTA IV
So are you going to get GT AIV when it comes out?
Mountain Dew Rules
Is you're real name Sky?
goofy rocks
You're Avatar is awsome
TDP992, TG187, TFY765, Hmm..
Happy Birthday Silberio
Rico Tubbs!
I first used the computer in 2003.
How old do you have to be till you can Drive in Chilli.
yeah, do you have MSN?
Hello, well being 99 gives me arthritis :/
My new best friend
I think your cool...
Do you like the Simpsons?
Welcome back ArtSweet.
Wow i didn't know you lived in Vice City :0.