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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. Any idea R* have I will respect it, men.
  2. Yes, Godfather is a nice game, but they could do it better.
  3. We didn't see even the first trailer so we can't guess anything maybe it will be worst game of the year, he he. Just kidding.
  4. Most expensive game I ever played cost me 90$ About the top, it's going to be atlast on 4th place.
  5. Well I'm 12 years old living in Dubrovnik in Croatia in Europe. I want to be a programmer or just hack some bank computers. In school they calling me with my name.
  6. What does who think GtaPlayer gave you an answer so did I.
  7. Where did you hear that because from graphic you can't say that.
  8. No, it's newer ends. Just like the sea in SA and VC and GTA 3
  9. If you put that in 100% then you have 57.4% of 100%
  10. I could bet that the new GTA will still be in USA. It's still homeland of GTA creators.
  11. If I editing that game I would put Chicago-full of crime, Washington-president attack, New York-just like that.
  12. You, best knowledge about GTA, you kidding. Anyway congrats to all who won and to those who was close to victory.
  13. No' I think that XBOX 360 has more power.
  14. We hope that the graphic is gonna be the same at the XBOX 360, PS 3 and PC.
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  16. I liked the fonts in old GTAs and I think I gonna like the font in new GTA.
  17. 40-50 seconds, something like that, not much, maybe the trailer gonna tell as the year and city and that's not much.
  18. No, you can use SAMI only if it comes with mod, you will see, download detailed radar mod it have SAMI installing file
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