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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. I know thats what I'm talking about.
  2. I like only Snoop Dog and few songs from other artist.
  3. You love being a blond and do you love jokes about blonds.
  4. I checked the countdown and it's gonna be released at 00:00 in my area.
  5. I voted for the third option, because I saw so many videos but I never saw it in person.
  6. Welcome to the community, columbia747, I hope you gonna like posting here, err, you gonna like it.
  7. Yeah, I have the same problem, anyone have the solution.
  8. Yeah, those sub-missions where my easiest and you don't get a lot of money from them.
  9. Actually, there will be lines but on internet waiting for the viewing the trailer.
  10. One down 399 999 999 999 left. He-he
  11. I voted for a Fire storm because a like the name, thats all.
  12. If it was a bug then R* could repair it in VC if it was showed up in GTA 3.
  13. It's better for them that they have.
  14. Yeah, garage Doherty, San Fierro is nice low and has a big piece of space. I like it. This is a good spot for killing cops, its a army ship in San Fierro. You know where that is.
  15. Maybe GTAs server crushes when the first trailer of new GTA is released. Why? Because it's overloaded. He he.
  16. It's not water who burning it's the hydrogen
  17. Do you have a link for more info about your motherboard.
  18. I though that pci, agp, and pci-e has three different connections.
  19. No, if he trow molotov exactly on the thank it will be destroyed in only 2 of them.
  20. It's grate man, witch game did you use.
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