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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Keep the store right now to find out what we all have, including money and our inventories. That might be a bit difficult though.
  2. Thanks but it's 8 Months away.
  3. Hopefully not me Anyway I get angry at bad drivers. Thats when my parents are driving me places and someone drives on the wrong side of the road.
  4. Hey man, Whats your MSN. I'm Begging (Like you asked)

  5. Hey man, whats your MSN.

  6. This one might since it involves about a 20 - 30 Year old man. He could easily run him over on purpose. I don't think there will be children. R* Games would be out of their mind. Check out the links above of previous Children Topics.
  7. If they did they may be rated M+ or something.
  8. I know but I would think that R* would have some common sense not to put any in the game. Jack Thomson would be back on the heels on Take 2 again.
  9. Threatening, Killing and Abusing Children, in the game. This can lead to real life Killing of Children.
  10. You must have submitted pictures before the voting started.
  11. There won't be since it would bring a lot of criticism against R* Games. I don't think there will be any.
  12. Well £1 per litre here in the UK.
  13. Yeah I forgot to suggest that. I don't think the radar should be there or it could be there but no people showing up expect yourself (You only see yourself on the Radar)
  14. The shops gone . Anyway I can still put earings in and out at least (I check it every now and then, it hurts like hell though.)
  15. I can't buy another since that's the earing I got my ear pierced with.
  16. 2800 Posts. Yipee. I am 7/15 away from 3000
  17. I lost it. I have others but they are ugly.
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