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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. lol "Die muthaf*ka" *Shoots Guy*
  2. I made a few Updates to the Topic. They are Spelling Corrected, Information Added & Locations Bolded.
  3. Bass Guitar and Guitar are as fun as each other in my opinion. Bass Guitars have Tabs and Electric Guitars have something I can't Remember. Bass Guitar is quite easy to learn but I guess its me that I find Guitar (Normal) hard to understand.
  4. Call an Ambulance quick! random!
  5. I can describe my Bass Guitar but I don't have an actual Picture of it. Like I said I prefer Bass. My Bass Guitar is black and has a white area underneath the strings. It has a Volume Knob and a Bass Knob which are both Silver. The strings like any normal Bass Guitar are Silver and are metal. The top end of the Bass is Light Wood.
  6. I looked at last years awards and I think you should have it back again for another year.
  7. America isn't dangerous compared to countries with lack of a good police system. Countries in the world now what would be dangerous like Iraq, Iran or mainly just the Middle East. Some of the African countries can be dangerous with a mass of desert and poisonous animals like Snakes, Scorpions and Frogs. Countries with extreme weather like USA and Russia. Islands in the Pacific are prone to massive Waves and possibly even tidal waves. There is not a most dangerous country every country is dangerous in its own way.
  8. I live between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland, UK. But I wasn't born in Scotland!
  9. Happy Birthday GYCU! Have a great birthday mate. (*Celebrates* )
  10. I haven't watched TNA in a while but I know it has alot of former WCW & WWE World Champions. These include: Kurt Angle; Booker T; Sting; Kevin Nash etc. TNA has former Womens Champions - Gail Kim & Jackie Moore Other Champions like Christian Cage
  11. This WWIII Thing has been waiting to happen for a while. Possibly about 20 Years or so (Numerous 1980's 2000's Wars) worth of wars. We are all expecting it, it's not like there is not going to be a WW3. Basically it's every countries (who are involved in the Iraqi War) fault. The UK, USA, Iraq, Iran etc. Especially since the war has extended to Pakistan. I do not give a sh*t about Al Qaeda because we all know something is going to happen again soon in the UK or USA. I think both countries are actually expecting it.
  12. I just wanna see it altogether. Its match card looks quite good so far.
  13. It was cool wasn't it. Is anyone watching Armageddon? Y2J was the best even though he had a shocking end to his WWE Career in 2005. We all thought that was the last we would have seen Jericho. Alot has happened in the past few months of WWE.
  14. I am XIII Years old and I was born on the XI July MIXCIV. This Year is MMVII.
  15. Thomas.

    The Vii

    Haha . The advert is corny and strange. People who always try to replicate major things are never successful.
  16. Woo. This is the first anniversary I've been here for. 5 Years is quite a lot.
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