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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Isn't that the Cyclone that is making news headlines over here?
  2. Will get it done... However, it may have to be tomorrow because it is getting kind of late here in the UK.
  3. Welcome to Thomas's Graphics Shop I am pleased to welcome you to my Graphics shop. If you want to request a graphic please give a good description. Colours I use... These above are the wide selection of preset colours in which I use in my graphics. They are complete with different shades of each colour as you can see above. Price All graphics from this shop are indeed free. All I require is that you give me credit for the graphics that you have me made in this shop or anywhere as long as I made it. That is all I ask if you request and receive a graphic. Graphics I do (Inc. Sizes) Good description of what you want: Size of Graphic: Preferred Colour: Text: Text Colour: Text Font: Supplied Images: Text Size (If Applicable): Examples of Graphics: More examples coming soon!!!
  4. I went to Alton Towers on Friday at 1 AM, I have done 1/10 of a review of the trip to Alton Towers. Just in case you don't know what Alton Towers is, it is a theme park down in Southern England, in the Midlands near Birmingham. It is one of the most famous parks in Britain. It is located near Birmingham and Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire. --- Alton Towers were great, the journey was OK but it was nothing special. The journey to Alton Towers lasted 6 hours at least with only two stops which made it around 7 hours to get there. The journey to Alton was a sleepless night for me and many other people, we were shattered when we arrived at a service station in Manchester. We arrived at about 7 O'clock in the morning and the park has yet to open for another couple of hours, we had to get changed into clothing that would be 'suitable' for Alton Towers because we had been in those clothing on a smelly bus for 7 hours. There was a massive crowd of retarded people waiting at the gate to get into the park, they were from different schools in Scotland and didn't seem to understand the sentence "Get away from the gate", it was hilarious It then started to get better as we eventually managed to get into the park, I knew it was going to be a great day. It started cloudy but the sun managed to come out about 20 minutes later. The first ride I went on was a Mine Coaster called "Runaway Mine Train" and it was in the "Katanga Canyon" area of the park. It was Okay for the first ride of the day. I never got any major stomach twists on it but it was kind of fun . The second ride I went on was called the Ripsaw, it was a ride what was in the "Forbidden Valley" area of the park. It was a ride that made you go upside down numerous times and at some points you just stayed upside down looking at the ground 50 metres below. When we were upside down a few moments later we just swung around and back to normal. At the end we were upside down and then we were sprayed by water. I can be bothered saying more at the moment but I will .
  5. Happy Birthday! :)

  6. Today is Slayers Birthday (22nd June). Happy Birthday Slayer and have a good one too! Get Drunk
  7. Happy Birthday Man! Hope you enjoy it!
  8. Oh thanks. I'm not posting any pics, only the FFM, Chris and Sky have been able to see the girlfriend I am so mean!
  9. After 2 years, I eventually get a girlfriend. Well I didn't actually ask anyone out in that 2 years, now that the Exam period is over I have more free time to spend with girls and now I've got one, it's to the cinema this weekend if she wants to go. going into Town/City center as well this weekend, I have money to spend on a girl. Now I have a Social Life Woooo! Her name is Sophie! ily sophie!
  10. 8th? *Scratches head*

  11. we'll miss you! :(

  12. I'm sure we will all miss you Alkaline. I'm sure people will be sad that your leaving (Like Spider-Vice). Good luck with whatever your doing.
  13. Come on MSN, well appear offline. I need to talk to you?

  14. 4500th Post... Next Milestone is coming... 5000 is next (I'm going up in Increments of 500 now)
  15. I'm going to alton Towers on Friday next week as part of a school reward trip (In the USA it's called a Field Trip (Dunno why it's called that, it sounds Retarded)). I'm hoping it's going to be good, I have never been that far south in the United Kingdom before, it will take about 6 hours to get down there and six hours coming back which explains why we set off at 11 PM the Thursday before. It costs £33 in total which is reasonably cheap for a long coach journey to the Middle of England. I won't be on here at all on June 20t.
  16. He says he might be coming back on in a few months, We all miss him and we all want him to come back. He's moving back to Sweden from Chile he says.
  17. Today is Silberio's birthday... if you don't know him then I'll only tell you that he is one of the greatest spammer (I use that lightly) of the Random Post Topic. I think he's Fifteen *Checks* Yeah he's fifteen! Happy 15th Birthday Silberio and enjoy it!
  18. It doesn't happen to me and I am using WLM Plus.
  19. Exams are gone... I have been doing course work... I will not be active on Friday though. I am going to Alton Towers as a School trip sort of thing.

  20. Nice blue colour, really it is good .
  21. I think he will, remember he just upgraded TGTAP. Get back on topic discussing the Pinned topics colours.
  22. I've been quite inactive lately too, no apparent reason however, I tink it has something to do with school mainly. I didn't know you were even away Bulletproofboy but you shouldn't really be posting a topic about it, use the introduce yourself topic next time. even though this is Fun & Off-Topic forum...
  23. I didn't really watch any of the matches yet. I would right now be supporting England if they were in it, I get teased at school for supporting England (they want me to support Scotland) but what do you expect, I'm English, I have the right to. Anyway, this European Championship I will be wanting France to win.
  24. I think it is a little too bright, Try a nice colour that may not be annoying to members whom know where the Pinned topics actually are. Are blue-ish colour could be quite good and Blue often stands (Not because it is my favourite colour, it is not my favourite colour for all who know Red is my favourite colour) I think this is what he meant, I got it too.
  25. *lateness* Happy Birthday Gerard!
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