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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. or perhaps a couple more than that: Expert Professional Semi-Professional Average Beginner/Novice
  2. Happy Birthday mate! Have a good one!
  3. Yeah. Another one could be 'You are allowed to win Once every month, after you have won once you may not participate for the rest of the month'. But that sounds too strict.
  4. If the same people win all the time then it will get utterly boring, then we have to make some sort of rules as 'Win one week, no participation in the next' or something. I like the idea though.
  5. Me and a convo with Shadow536 yesterday on windows Live Plus: Random quote.
  6. Olá, Spider-Vice!

  7. Lol Lol Lol ça-va? (French for how are you - Luckily I am using a French Keyboard Thank you Microsoft ) Lol - Olá! (Hello in portuguese ) Lol Hola (Hello in Spanish) Lol Salut! (Hello in French - think of it as salutations) Quote Embedding! Lol Bonjour (Also Hello in French) Lol Bienvenue (welcome in Français)
  8. Lol Lol Lol ça-va? (French for how are you - Luckily I am using a French Keyboard Thank you Microsoft ) Lol - Olá! (Hello in portuguese ) Lol Hola (Hello in Spanish) Lol Salut! (Hello in French - think of it as salutations) Quote Embedding! Lol again...
  9. Lol Lol Lol ça-va? (French for how are you - Luckily I am using a French Keyboard Thank you Microsoft ) Lol - Olá! (Hello in portuguese ) Lol Hola (Hello in Spanish) Lol Salut! (Hello in French - think of it as salutations) Quote Embedding!
  10. Lol Lol Lol ça-va? (French for how are you - Luckily I am using a French Keyboard Thank you Microsoft ) Lol - Olá! (Hello in portuguese )
  11. Lol Lol Lol ça-va? (French for how are you - Luckily I am using a French Keyboard Thank you Microsoft )
  12. GTA Vice City is my favourite, then it is San Andreas and then it is Vice City Stories.
  13. I was off school today and I can't come on MSN... yet.

  14. I have most of my exam results back now and I will post them here: Levels: Credit (Hardest Difficulty) General (Average Difficulty) Foundation (Easy Difficulty) Mathematics: Credit Calculator: Fail Credit Non-Calculator: Fail Credit Percentage: 46% General Calculator: Unknown (I Find out tomorrow) General Non-Calculator: Unknown (I find out tomorrow) General Percentage: unknown English Credit Reading: 20/35 Pass - Grade 2 Writing (essay): Grade 2 History I will find out my history results tomorrow. French Foundation Reading - Grade 5 (5 is the foundation highest) General Reading - Grade 2 (2nd highest grade) Foundation Listening - Grade 5 (See Foundation Reading) General Listening - Grade 3 Writing - Grade 4 Speaking - Grade 3 Overall Grade: Grade 3 Graphics Drawing Abilities: 18/21 pass (Grade 1) Knowledge and Understanding: 17/17 (Grade 1) Music Foundation Listening: 86% Performing: Unknown Computing Credit Computing: Grade 2 general Computing: Grade 3 Biology Credit: Knowledge - No mark Problem Solving - Grade 2 general: knowledge - Grade 4 Problem Solving - Grade 3 That is all
  15. Wow, you are excellent at all this modding stuff. I quite like the look of the mods, they look... AWESOME!
  16. I'm quite young (14 this year). Many members on here are younger than fifteen, I have been here since I was twelve, I turned 13 within a few months of joining and I will be 14 within a few months as it is. i have been a member here for a year and a month and nobody has had a problem with my age, it isn't really important (the age).
  17. Happy Birthday Ciaran! Have a good one mate
  18. You almost have enough posts to be able to join the FFM, only 23 more to go, please don't spam in order to get to that 100, it can be annoying to many members mainly moderators who have to tell you off for doing it .
  19. I wouldn't mind London, Paris or Miami.
  20. Happy Birthday Charger! Have a good one!
  21. It hasn't really been sunny this weekend at all. I even had a thunderstorm on Saturday, it was only a minor one though.
  22. I chose the Union Jack because I was born in England, live in Scotland and that were are in the United Kingdom. To confuse everyone this is the actual name of the United Kingdom (It says that on my Passport): The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Head of the Commonwealth countries. The Country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who have adopted the Great British Pound as their official currency and are part of the European Union. Pre-1945 Name is: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland along with The Great British Empire of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pacific Islands and Hong Kong. Pre-1777 Name is: The Great British Empire of the Eastern North American Coastline. A lot of Confusion with those names above .
  23. Funnily enough it was the english what killed the Scottish Royal Family. Scotland used to be independent (before 1700) but they could cope because Scotland only had half the population than what it currently does, it just wouldn't cope now.
  24. Lets hope it's back up soon. I miss being a Moderator on there, it was a fun job (Hardly had to do anything Except suspend two members for flaming us but they got there asses handed to them ). The template looks good but I think you overused the grunge effect, that's what's downgraded it to a good and not an excellent (Speakez the Truth).
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