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:cigar: Yeeeaaah...but in all the photos i've take in all 8 years, with different cameras, in different places, i've never seen those orbs, so i dont think he's pics are fake, they dont look fake, but the las picture, what is it realy in that one, i cant see anything (no offence) :mellow:
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i hate when people say "omgosh HAXZ look at the orbs in that ghost picture! that means there were really ghosts!!! OMFG!!!"

"Orbs," or what are really just reflection of light in the darkness onto the camera lense (lense flare) are what happen when there is any kind of light near you, usually when you use flash. its in every picture ever unless you are using a state-of-the-art professional camera without flash. sometimes you cant see it as much, sometimes you can, it just matters on the amount of light, the placement of light, your location and your camera lense.

OH and orbs happen no matter what if you have a little bit of dirt on your camera and you focus from about 4 inches from the camera to about 50 yards. closer focus it looks more fuzzy, farther away it looks more like an orb or lense flare.

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  -Silberio Da Great- said:
:cigar: Yeeeaaah...but in all the photos i've take in all 8 years, with different cameras, in different places, i've never seen those orbs, so i dont think he's pics are fake, they dont look fake, but the las picture, what is it realy in that one, i cant see anything (no offence) :mellow:

No one said they were fake, but that doesn't mean they ARE definitely ghosts.

  tilly said:
i hate when people say "omgosh HAXZ look at the orbs in that ghost picture! that means there were really ghosts!!! OMFG!!!"

"Orbs," or what are really just reflection of light in the darkness onto the camera lense (lense flare) are what happen when there is any kind of light near you, usually when you use flash. its in every picture ever unless you are using a state-of-the-art professional camera without flash. sometimes you cant see it as much, sometimes you can, it just matters on the amount of light, the placement of light, your location and your camera lense.

OH and orbs happen no matter what if you have a little bit of dirt on your camera and you focus from about 4 inches from the camera to about 50 yards. closer focus it looks more fuzzy, farther away it looks more like an orb or lense flare.

Um, THOSE orbs aren't lens flares, genius. And lens flare isn't in ALL pictures. You can use simple cameras without flash, buddy. And even with flash, there isn't always a flare. Infact, usually the flare is caused by a light aiming TOWARDS you, not away from you, as the flash does. Like a bright sun or a light that someone didn't realise wouldn't be a good idea to have in their pictures.

You can't 100% say that there are no ghosts, and you can't say the orbs in some pictures are definitely NOT ghosts. I mean, you weren't there, you didn't see the tiny dust, you can't prove that's what it was.

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flash reflects off of shiny objects making a reflection of light on the mirror. hence making orbs when you use flash.

and i didnt say orbs were lense flares, i sorta implied that they were like it. I could see how you would think i sed that though.

and there are orbs/lense flares in every picture if its a low lit room with flash. there usually just very dim.

and i never said that it was dirt or that i was there or that i know, i just was annoyed when everyone says that orbs are ghosts. I saw orbs in my picture of Logitech.... how are there ghosts there. there were a bunch of orbs. same with when i took a picture OUT from my house onto my street where my frend was skating.

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  tilly said:
flash reflects off of shiny objects making a reflection of light on the mirror. hence making orbs when you use flash.

and i didnt say orbs were lense flares, i sorta implied that they were like it. I could see how you would think i sed that though.

and there are orbs/lense flares in every picture if its a low lit room with flash. there usually just very dim.

and i never said that it was dirt or that i was there or that i know, i just was annoyed when everyone says that orbs are ghosts. I saw orbs in my picture of Logitech.... how are there ghosts there. there were a bunch of orbs. same with when i took a picture OUT from my house onto my street where my frend was skating.

Ummm, a few things, dude. No one said they were definitely 100% ghosts except Silberio. Also, ghosts aren't limited to some special area. They have just as much freedom to go where ever they please as you do....

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ah jeez man lol now were just being retarded. im not talking about people here, im talking about those type of people in general. like the ones who watch ghost hunters 24 7. ghost hunters is the definition of fake and please. someone deny me, i wanna rule out idiots.

but okay and they could as well be ghosts in that picture or in my picture. but its sorta ironic that they usually show up only in places with little flashes in them and when my lense is dirty.

oh and i believe in ghosts btw. where else would we go when were dead?

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Most real ghost "hunters" (ie researchers) are skeptical of orbs.

Are orbs evidence that spirits are present? No. Are orbs actually spirits? No. Orbs are nothing but dust and airborne debris! Yes, or at least that is the case in many photos. Surprised to hear me saying this? Don’t be. Orbs are the source of the most contentious debates in this field of research yet orbs are the least important pieces of evidence that can be collected. There have been enough studies conducted including my own experiments that the skeptics are right, dust and some airborne debris can look very similar to orbs in photos.

Rest of article Here

Original Orb Article

But when you go to the site I listed, look at the picture section. Well hell Click Here (some of the pics don't show much FYI) But I cannot fathom how some pics will show hundreds of "orbs" in a grave yard, in the middle of the night, and it's all dust particles. I'm sure a lot of them are, but who really knows.

(FYI I'm planning on going on another ghost tour in Gettysburg in the coming weeks. I'll post more pics if I get any good ones. I've got more orb pictures, but didn't post them because it was like one orb. I have one pic of a blue "orb" and the story of that building was a small boy freezing to death (turning blue). So that was freaky.

I'm sure other people have stories, expierences they would like to share. Please don't be shy. Even skpetics can enjoy this stuff.

Edited by draftermatt
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Those pics look interesting. Not 100% real, but interesting. I believe in ghost. Because I 'felt' one. I didn't see it, but I felt it and heard it.

When I was praying (in little shrines, which are quite isolated from my house, and my house is isolated from the whole lil city), I heard sobs (right behind my ear, man I was about to scream and scoot) and my dog started to go nuts, he never done this before, he used to be quite, and ONLY BARKS like NUTS if someone who he doesn't know walks/runs by. And I felt this feeling of some kind of wet and cold stuff falling on my back, but I knew nothing was there.

That's all, and I never felt it ever since.

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LOL, there is a + and a - sign in the lighter...hehehe---Errmm, sorry, yeah, i've heard that animals can feel that sh*t more than us :ph34r:.

In my grandmas house (i lived there when we just came to Chile) ,we found a cat, a she-cat, anyways, when we moved (like 8-9 months after), we took this cat to the house, and in that house, i allways heard steps, foot steps, i could not have been cat or something else, it was in the roof, in this..uh...this thing to store stuff in the roof (we didnt have second floor), and one day, i was in the computer, in a room, that was kinda "connected" with the living room, i was headin backwards kinda, so i just saw a shadow in the frame of the computer (i dont remember the name, but its the thing you watch), then i looked back, but it was noone there, there was no sun kinda, so it couldnt have been sun reflection.

and my cat, allways strarted to "meow", at my room, and the living room, for no reason, and it wasnt that she wanted to scaped, because then, she does like: "Meeeeaaaouuuuww", but here it was kinda different, like if she was doing it to someone :cigar:

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With ghosts you mean those white spooky things, right?

Well I think that's just some stuff made up to scare kids. Simple.

Ghosts in the sence of things/beings you can't see... Well don't really know. I guess my opinion about that would be fairly similar to Draftermatt's one.

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  The Architect said:
You're right... you're about 94% retard. Kidding :lol: lol.

Anyhoo, ghosts aren't really white, they're invisible. They are all white in movies.

And apparition can have a milky white glow.... Or green, or blue, or red, or turqoise. I'd imagine they could be whatever color they want to be.... Or maybe the color depends on their aurora? But then I'd assume there would be sightings of a bunch of colored ghosts, no? Who the hell knows, really?

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