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Help me knowing more

Dirty Harry

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Well is there any one who is patient knowlodgable about computers that would give me some lessons about PC and stuff. Someone over the age of 13 please.

I want to learn about programs and stuff, so I can be less of a newbie.

So if you are interested ad me on msn: [email protected]

I can even pay forum cash if you like. Please someone?

Edited by Machete
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Ah, anything you need to know, just ask me on MSN..

The main things you find in a PC are:

Hard Drives - Hard drives are for storing your operating system, programs and files

Processor(CPU) - I'm not to sure but it has something to do with running programs

Graphics Card - A graphics card will output an image to a monitor

Sound Card - A sound card will output audio to your speakers

Disc Drive/USB/Other - These will run things you insert into your computer, a disc drive will read CDs at least, better ones will read DVDs and write on to discs.

That's really the basics, but it all goes very complicated and in-depth on some of the other hardware.

Edited by Connor
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You can either learn a bunch of facts about computers, or understand things about them. IMO, the best way to be 'computer savy' is to have a lot of experience with them - be it by taking hands on classes or just dealing with them all the time.

Most of what I know about computers comes from hands on experience. I know about various operating systems (9x, 2000, XP, Server 2k and 2k3 (not so much)) because i have played with them. Hardware is the same, I have played with a lot of hardware. Up until last year, I didn't have much experience with laptop hardware - now that I own two of them, I'm becoming pretty good at working on laptops.

So, in conclusion, I think the best way for you to learn computers is to get a cheap one or a second computer, put some different OSs on there and play with it. Break it and learn how to fix it.

You can also join computer-related message boards. That might be able to give you some experience into what other people are experiencing with computers.

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