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MrLlamaLlama's new PC...


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Ok, so, old PC screwed.

I now have money for a new PC, but, not for the graphics card. It won't take me long to get the cash for one, so.. that's why it's not on the list at the moment, but i am aiming for an 8800.

Just want to know what you guys think / would change, whether you think it's good value, and crap like that.

Motherboard: Asus pwns all

Processor: AMD?

RAM: Corsair, couldn't find the OCZ memory i wanted... :(

Hard Drive: 250GB Seagate Barracuda, even the names sounds cool. :P

Power Supply: Sli Support. Can't go wrong.

(This is the GFX card i'm sorta aiming for, but not sure...)

Graphics Card: Should run pretty much everthing, maybe not crysis on full...

I've already got a pwnage case, nice big monitor, 7.1 surround sound, gaming Keyboard and mouse, and all that stuff.

So.. whaddya think?

Oh, and err.. that will be running XP, not Vista.

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I've got a similar build, although I have the Black Edition of that processor (it's meant for overclocking). I also have the faster version of that memory and I highly recommend that you get it as that mobo supports it. I also have a 250gb Western Digital HD and you should get a hard drive with a cache of 16mb.

Video card and power supply look good.

Have fun.

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I've got a similar build, although I have the Black Edition of that processor (it's meant for overclocking). I also have the faster version of that memory and I highly recommend that you get it as that mobo supports it. I also have a 250gb Western Digital HD and you should get a hard drive with a cache of 16mb.

Video card and power supply look good.

Have fun.

Ahh, i contemplated the black edition, didn't know it was meant for overclocking though.

I'll take a look at the upgraded RAM, and the other HDD, thanks for the tips.

Mishom - should be around £400.... maybe slightly more.

Thanks guys.

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It's a fucking dual core, 5000+

Chris82 has one, and, he knows what he's talking about to say the least.

My geeky nerd friend also has a 4800+, nad that runs vista 'like a dream'.. or so i am told.

Besides, it's ordered now, along with the RAM....

(Ordering a few bits at a time)

I've got the lower 4200+ It's ownage. You've gotta switch off one of the cores to play some games..

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Yeah, it'd be fun to play GTA 1 & 2 at crazy speed though. :D

I'm mainly wanting to play F.E.A.R, HL2 ep1&2, portal, and GTA though.. so... they shouldn't bee affected too much.. (it's usually older games, apparently when Dual core was first released, Need for speed most wanted clashed with it...)

Yeah, it's coming on friday, in my day off. That's what i love about the site i order from (scan.co.uk), you can pretty much chosse when you want it delivered at no extra cost. (Besides guaranteed sat or sun delivery)

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