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Adding animals in GTA SA


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  Urbanoutlaw said:
I can see it now, pigs driving old trucks. Welcome to rural San Andreas.


He occasionally drove a Model T.

Nice photo, lol.

It's good to replace Emmet with a pig, because he lookS like a PIG... LOLOLOLOL.


GTA Las Vegas coming soon !!!

Creator: Big ILIR

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Does Anyone knows how to add pics in topics?

Like this in photo?

dsghdfhshf.bmpFetching info...

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Careful... With the addition of the dating crap, Rockstar may just steal this idea from you and make a "have pets" mode... Where you HAVE to go get a dog off the street and feed it, or it runs away and has very little to no effect on the outcome of the game...

Though, it would be wicked to have an attack dog for gang wars. >:D

- CK

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  CeeKay said:
Careful... With the addition of the dating crap, Rockstar may just steal this idea from you and make a "have pets" mode... Where you HAVE to go get a dog off the street and feed it, or it runs away and has very little to no effect on the outcome of the game...

Though, it would be wicked to have an attack dog for gang wars. >:D

- CK

Lol...I think R* knows that they don't need to do those stuffs as it will be done by Modders themselves :clapping:

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  ¢נ 4 ζフ & said:
Lol...I think R* knows that they don't need to do those stuffs as it will be done by Modders themselves :clapping:

Yeah, you're right. But I have problems with making models (dff files).

It's so hard and I dunno wich program to use !!!

I have used Zmodeler 2, Google SketchUp, Gmax but nothing ...

I just wanna to edit those models, not to make a new one.

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  Earthbound said:
Good god man, change your signature!! It's far over regulation size.

I've made a very basic signature for you. Here you go.



Sorry to go off topic.

Hey thanks for making image. But how you have made it?

Edited by Big ILIR
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