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Can you make uTorrent run faster?

Vercetti Thug

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I use the following settings and am able to max out my connection (I thankfully have an ISP that doesn't throttle any traffic that isn't over HTTP which is awesome), especially when downloading from private trackers.

Keep default on everything except the following:


Always use the same port, and make sure it's a value over 50000


Global max number of connections = 2000

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent = 200 (this value should be 10% of whatever the above value is, so in this case, 200)

Number of upload slots per torrent = 10


Under Protocol Encryption, make sure it is set to "Enabled", also check the box to allow incoming legacy connections.

There's advanced settings that you can change which you can find from googling. I'm on an 8mb connection at home and can max it out using the above setting changes. If you have a slow connection you may want to reduce the global max num of connections, and thus the setting after too.

Hope that helps anyone else who was wondering about their uTorrent settings.

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I use to get pretty badass torrent speeds, mainly back in the days of BitTorrent. Now, however, I'm using uTorrent, also. Which, btw, is a pretty decent program. However, I get fucked speeds. Recently I have gotten a few torrents to hit 250kb/s..... And almost hit 300.... But that's it. Maximum. Sometimes I sit there and watch it go at 10kb/s..... I've tried EVERYTHING I could find on Google. Port-forwarding, I've tried like 5 or 6 different settings I found on Google. Fucking nothing works for me. Then again, I have shitty internet from apparently shitty people. We switched from Brighthouse to Adelphia a few years back, and they blow. Then Comcast bought them out, did shit all to the company or service, and they still blow. Now my family((and probably most of Florida)) think Comcast sucks, because down here it's just bought-out Adelphia service and quality.

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On public trackers there are generally hundreds if not thousands of peers for popular stuff. This means that the seeders are usually uploading to loads of different people at once... and unless they've got a decent uplink then it's just gonna be normal DSL/Cable speeds which suck.

Try and get into some private trackers where a lot of people use "seedboxes" (server dedicated to downloading torrents and then seeding them for long periods of time on 100mbit lines), you can get awesome speeds. When I say max out my connection, I'm usually getting 700-800kb/s.

At uni where I share a 20mb cable connection, I can often get up to 1.7MB/s.

On public trackers I never get speeds above 400-500kb/s no matter how fast my internet.

@Vercetti Thug: What speed is your internet connection? Also, what ISP are you with? It's possible they throttle all traffic which isn't HTTP (normal website stuff).

However, those are still some really lame speeds you're getting regardless of any throttling going on. How many seeds and peers does the torrent you're currently downloading have?

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sometimes it just depends on the seed/leech ratio. if theres 100 seeds, and theres 10000 leech (10000 people downloading) then its gonna be slower than one with say 100 seeds and 100 leech.

what speeds did you get on speedtest.net ? look at what your upload speed is on there then divide it by 10 and put it as your max upload speed.

also is the port your using open? look in the bottom panel and there'll be either a green tick, a yellow exclamation triangle, or a red circle with exclamation (!). if its the red one, then people arent able to connect to you which will limit your upload speed, which will in turn limit your download speed.

Maybe your ISP is throttling (speed limiting) your bit-torrent traffic... its possible.

I got around a 7mbit connection, my torrent speeds, the max i saw it on was like 350kb/s...

Edited by WRX22B1998
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That's why you just seed 24/7. Limit/stop the torrents when you actually need to use your internet.

Most open registrations for a very/extremely limited time period. Or as promotional events, so you just gotta keep checking them. Though if you know really cool people then you may well be able to get an invite to one ;)

Most just want you to keep a positive ratio, i.e. 1.00 or greater. Which is piss easy to get and keep.

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