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iPhone rescue girl's head got stuck in the toilet.


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An 18-year-old Sunderland lass who got her head stuck down a music festival toilet while attempting to retrieve her cash and iPhone from the malodorous pit has become a Facebook celeb, the Sun reports.

Charlotte Taylor, dubbed "Poo Girl" following the "grim ordeal" at last weekend's Leeds Festival, dropped her handbag into the merdurinous dunny. She explained: "My bag had my phone, train ticket and all my money in it, so if I left it I wouldn't have been able to get home and I would have been stranded.

"I put one hand down but I couldn't reach so I put the other one down too to try and grab it. But I was straining so far down that I got wedged. My shoulders were stuck on both sides and I couldn't move at all.

"I was struggling and trying to get out and it just made it worse. I knew I couldn't get out myself and was so embarrassed."

She added: "I kept saying to myself, 'Oh my God I can't believe this is happening. It can't be real.'"

After twenty minutes' captivity, firemen yanked Taylor bodily from the crapper. She then faced the humiliation being hosed down in front of hundreds of fellow festival-goers.

Taylor admitted that her chums found the whole thing a real hoot, and her mum Chris rather uncharitably told the Sun: "When Charlotte told me I just laughed. I felt bad for her but you have to laugh at these things."

Taylor is now honoured by Facebook appreciation groups, and gamely agreed to pose for today's Sun, as you can see here. ®


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Also don't understand getting stuck. Weird for so many reasons.

1. Looks like a chav - why would she be at an indie/rock festival?

2. The toilets aren't ones you can get stuck down. I know because I've been to Reading Festival and it's the same. Two types. Campsite toilets are just a huge pool of water basically with rows of toilets above them. There's like a 1 metre drop so if you dropped your handbag down there's no way in hell you'd be able to retrieve it. The toilets in the arena itself are just your standard bathroom toilets, obviously not even big enough to drop a handbag down.

But LOL.

EDIT: oh right just seen the pic of the bogs, they look different to the ones that were at Reading. But still... she got herself stuck in one... LOL.

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