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So yeah, a lot of sex-related discussion going on, so I'll add in this and make you all jealous.

In a period of about 24 hours we went through a 3-pack of condoms.... That's because we didn't feel like buying more..... Or trust me, we would've went through another 3-pack.....

On top of that, on Saturday I was slave.boy again and did my best cross-dress yet. We even gave me boobs. Guys were checking me out all day and we were constantly being referred to as "ladies"((me, my girlfriend, and her friend)), and I was called ma'am a few times. God this weekend was so much fun.

You must of had a good night.... :rofl2:

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Wow 3 packs of condoms, did you spend the whole time in the bedroom.

You must have been a convincing girl on Saturday. How did you get fake boobs?

Nonononono.... A three pack.... As in three condoms. We couldn't have used three whole packs.... Not that much time....

We stuffed a bra to make the boobs. I'll post pictures when I get them.

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So yeah, a lot of sex-related discussion going on, so I'll add in this and make you all jealous.

In a period of about 24 hours we went through a 3-pack of condoms.... That's because we didn't feel like buying more..... Or trust me, we would've went through another 3-pack.....

On top of that, on Saturday I was slave.boy again and did my best cross-dress yet. We even gave me boobs. Guys were checking me out all day and we were constantly being referred to as "ladies"((me, my girlfriend, and her friend)), and I was called ma'am a few times. God this weekend was so much fun.

Sounds super duper :thumbsup:

I was thinking "Wooow 3 packs, did you do anything else over the convention"

I got asked out today, he still wont take no for answer. (This guy has been abit obssesed with me)

Lol.Obsessed.That sounds scary ofr you to say that.
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I do feel like one of the only members here with any sexual activity going on >.>................ <.<.................. o.o....................

Anyways. I was in love with who is now my daughter. She's been my best friend since the day I met her. After hearing way too much about her irritating asshole father I decided I was her new dad. But yeah, I was madly in love with her, and we're still amazingly great friends.

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I shall explain in full:

I knew he liked me as it was pretty obvious. Yesterday he said:

"I really want a girlfriend, hey do you have a boy friend? No, great go out with me!" <_<

I said no as Im sorry I dont find that nice at all and I dont like him in that way.

He was staring at me all through theatre and trying to persuade me to go out with me.

Then the insults came. This has stressed me out so much Ive been smoking a bit as it helps (stupid I know) So he shouts out dirty smoker.

So I have no lost what was a good friend of mine.

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This is gonna sound awful but I was convinced he was "bad", he keeps on hitting on some guy. But he is adament that he is not bi. It was a bit of a turn off to be honest the way he acted and that he would ignore me for this guy. He is just acting like a pillock and making class difficult. I do miss him as a friend though.

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