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I went in a fight, really serious one... The guy said he would like to beat me up again, man i don't know what to do.... Any of you guys know what to do if that happens... :cry:

Okay,well this actually is pretty serious.But did he beat you up the first time?If he didn't just kick his ass.But bring a knife for safety.But if he wants a fair fight stil bring it but don't use it.Plus if you beat him up the first time and he wants to fight again that could mean he'll bring a weapon or other people to help him so bring a knife and maybe a buddy that's up for a fight in case.

Haha.Yes Spaz,in Sky'd last post it seems he's taken your advise and made his own perswatious ideas :P

And ya,I did know what stripp bondage pants are as I got to Hot Topic quite alot.I was just being "funny" so to speak.

Well,nothin much right now,got home from school about twenty minutes ago.School sucked as usualy but was funny in Science when my friend Aven and I was pretendin to have some "Hawt Butsechs" with this new kid.It was pretty hilarious actually.Got a refurral though which is ridiulous.(Refurral=In school suspension basically.Sit in office all day.)I'm tryin to figure out how to tell my parents what I was doin.Any ideas lol...

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Thanks for advise Skyline but too late.My parents got home and weren't mad at me.They were sorta mad I got in trouble(of course) but they sad I was just goofin around and said don't get in trouble again!YAYY!!I'm really susprised.

And Skyline,when you said whore around.YAYY that was hilarious and "true" lol.I totally know what you mean.

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When you sy that Spaz are you being funny and sarcastic?...Cause raping isn't exactly supposed to be "safe".Well,it isn't atleast romantic.Cause I really don't htink you'e "raping",just "naughty rough "twisted" sex.But I know what you mean by it...

Erm, rape is safe. If you'd like, I'll actually explain why.

In the sense of getting pregnant, it's rare to get pregnant while being raped, condom or not. Simply because of how much stress the women is in from the struggle and the fact alone that she's being raped.

I think I've passed the torch on to Skyline.... :D

I Agree.

Coz now even Skyline gives ideas like you. :D

It wont be long before he produces his own disclaimer :)

Couldn't be more proud.

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Tell them you were practicing safe sex. It works.

I can't wait to go to school tommorow. Hang out with my friends again.. whore around. Yay!

Im so proud of you Skyline, *wipes tear from eyes*.

Whoring around is fun, trust me I was doing it yesterday with my friend who has a purple mohawk (coolest guy ever :P) . Today probably wont be any different.

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Just do like I did.. get her alone, or atleast away from her friends and say "will you go out with me" She'll probably be so suprised she won't care about the cliche way of asking someone to date you. :D

1900th post w00t

Congrats on ur 1900th. :thumbsup:

Ive tried that hundreds of times , each time resulting in a slap. Not my idea of a good day...

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Wow, Skyline, nice, you got 1900 post, well done :D well soon i'll be up to were you were.

Yeah, because you sit there and constantly spam. Most of your posts are annoying to read because you TRY to make as many posts as possible. You'll make pointless one word posts, you'll repeat the SAME exact thing someone else said, or you'll do what you did in here, and tell us something, but then explain it in a different post to have 2 posts instead of 1. Chill the f*** out, child.

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Wow, Skyline, nice, you got 1900 post, well done :D well soon i'll be up to were you were.

Yes you shall be there soon but you wont deserve it as every time I see you reply they are pointless or you just being cocky. Learn how to post decent replies and then you will deserve some respect but with the crap your posting you have none.

I had dance for the first time today and WOW its great. We were put through our oaces but its so much fun

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