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DONT keep her aksing her out if she says no. Its annoying and she will hate you.

If she keeps on rejected you, seranading her will not be well recieved. Again Ive been through this and it was so embarrassing when James sang my favourite song infront of my friends to me.

Just be yourself and ask her out once.

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Well Just make sure you ask her out, and as spaz said, You always get rejected on your first time. Trust me this happened to me alot.

I can imagine why it's happened to you a lot. <_<

If you don't know her well, I wouldn't suggest asking her out. I mean, she might still say yes, sure. But the way it worked out with me (First girl I asked out ever. It's easy.) we didn't know eachother and it turned up we didn't have much in common.

And yeah. Being consistent with these things doesn't work. Unless you like being asked out by the ugly girls 5 times a day. (Metaphorkinda. :P)

Day was good.. think I might go to the game tonight. Don't know yet. Ya know what I do at games right? ^_^

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If she is alone.She's friends(girls) are hanging with her all time. :D What should i do?

Dun worry man.The time will come and you shouldn't aks her on the internet.That'd seem weird.

Anyways,school was okay today.Same old same old...But I now got a nine day break.Hello movies,skateboard,hello PS2,hello computer.

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Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

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Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

So if you talk with more girls, the more you will be experienced and will be able to find someone more better than the person you like?

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Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

So if you talk with more girls, the more you will be experienced and will be able to find someone more better than the person you like?

Basically, yeah. It opens your horizons, and makes you see who or what you do and don't like. Kind of how this one girl likes me, but I don't like her. As for one, she seems like she'd just want me to buy her a lot of things. Two, eh. I'm more into skinny dark headed chicks.. but this isn't really the reason.... and I just don't like her personality.

I don't have a job.. yet. I'd be suprised if I could find a job around here that lets 16 year olds work. I've got another 10 or so months before.. so yeah. I'm 15.

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Start talking in person.. not the internet. I've experienced that too. Not pretty. And two. Dude. You're straight. More girls is better. You can be friends with all of them then you two will have some of the same friends.

Seriously dude. You don't want to focus your attention all on one person. Keep open and you might find someone even better. I mean that as in, don't go all worried over it. I take it as you've never had a girlfriend before.. it's a learning experience. On what you do and don't like.

So if you talk with more girls, the more you will be experienced and will be able to find someone more better than the person you like?

Basically, yeah. It opens your horizons, and makes you see who or what you do and don't like. Kind of how this one girl likes me, but I don't like her. As for one, she seems like she'd just want me to buy her a lot of things. Two, eh. I'm more into skinny dark headed chicks.. but this isn't really the reason.... and I just don't like her personality.

I don't have a job.. yet. I'd be suprised if I could find a job around here that lets 16 year olds work. I've got another 10 or so months before.. so yeah. I'm 15.

Well, atleast i now understand.

I don't have a job, am only 14, Lol, but about when am 16 i will get a part-time job.

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