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Okay, 99% of you guys wont even know who i am, but the important people here will. Well, at least chris! haha. Anyways, i dont like wasting ma time or yours so ill make this very quick.

Im back, and there is nothing u can do about it!!!

Now for people who want some reference on WHO i am?

Long Long Time Ago

Long Long Long Time Ago

(if you notice the second one, it says showuser=5, so im #5..of course, that doesnt count the million forums chris had before this one.

Now, i dont know whos still around after all these years, so if ya remember me or i had some dealing with you in the past. Drop me a line and ill be happy to answer back.

Glad to be back, and PAY SOME RESPECT

Oh ya, when i get my photoshop working again, ill be doing signatures for money, so imma start working on that, coz chris cant even spare a few f***ing $$$s for a veteran like me! -_--_--_-

Ey chris, can i actually say f***, mothaf***er,cocksucker, pussy and all that crap outside of the 'flaming forums' (if thats still around) ??

*Edit : see chris, such a good member, i already helped you find 2 words (cocksucker - pussy)that you forgot to put on the list at the admin control panel. Your welcome btw

Edited by Tagg
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Ey spaz, long time no see eh? i thought u might give me a warmer welcome, but oh well, i dont remember u as a warm person... hahaha

Join a gang, well how about i join ur gang, if u have one...i mean, i wouldnt mind joining forces again somehow.

And come on, the store, i know what it is, are you f***ing kidding me? the gang system? i was there for almost every f***ing war there was in this place.

You sure u remember me correctly?lol

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Ey spaz, long time no see eh? i thought u might give me a warmer welcome, but oh well, i dont remember u as a warm person... hahaha

Join a gang, well how about i join ur gang, if u have one...i mean, i wouldnt mind joining forces again somehow.

And come on, the store, i know what it is, are you f***ing kidding me? the gang system? i was there for almost every f***ing war there was in this place.

You sure u remember me correctly?lol

It's all being updated. Both were actually done for a while.

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Ey glad people, glad to see you remember me!! hahaa :clapping::clapping:

and kp, for you, its still all about money and posts, but when u get wiser, lmfao... ull learn its about other things, i dont need money, or post counts, people already know me, and thats all that counts, reputation speaks for you, not the amount of posts or money you have in your pockets.

Now for my wisdom, everyone :worship: me! haha

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Tagg is hoping that by acting all cool about not caring about money and post count and generally being a legend will mean that when the time comes for him to participate in the gangs he will be able to ass lick me even more to get money and weapons etc. :P

just kidding. Welcome back to the forums! Only just saw this topic, I don't visit The Lounge much as whenever I come in there's usually a bunch of stoned n00bs hanging out here, but never mind.

BTW cock and pussy aren't such vulgar words so I allow them here, but you can't say fuck or cunt.

EDIT: Oh yeah admins can, shit, look at the language I'm encouraging, this is fucking terrible. What a bitch eh? :)

Oh I forgot to add... :P

To: Tagg

From: Bryzed

Sent on: August 27, 2006, 3:30 am


Amount: 6338 Dollars


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He don't need the money now ;)

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Tagg is hoping that by acting all cool about not caring about money and post count and generally being a legend will mean that when the time comes for him to participate in the gangs he will be able to ass lick me even more to get money and weapons etc. :P

just kidding. Welcome back to the forums! Only just saw this topic, I don't visit The Lounge much as whenever I come in there's usually a bunch of stoned n00bs hanging out here, but never mind.

BTW cock and pussy aren't such vulgar words so I allow them here, but you can't say f*** or entry point.

EDIT: Oh yeah admins can, shit, look at the language I'm encouraging, this is f***ing terrible. What a bitch eh? :)

Oh I forgot to add... :P

He don't need the money now ;)

You son of a bitch! AAAH i knew you were going to do that... that donate money thingy, ey i had the bank and on hand filled, and you didnt give me shit, i cant even get around buying a f***ing credit card!!! AAAH GIMME MA INTREST RATE BACK!

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