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"Death Row",for life!


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I can't beat this mission in VC where you have to save Lance from Diaz's guys in the junkyard,I can snag him and get out of there and all but then those cars always make mine blow up.That or they hit me and I get stuck on the sidewalk.I've done this mission 13 times and still can't beat it!Any help on the whole mission?Help would be much appreciated.

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Well, I'd suggest taking a fast sports car to the Malibu before the mission starts, then quickly drive to Little Haiti at the Junk Yard. I wouldn't consider shooting any of Diaz's goons other than the ones at the front and the ones blocking the entrance where Lance is. When you've got Lance by your side, then shoot Diaz's goons and then take your sports car (If still in good condition) and drive to the hospital. Watch out for Diaz's men chasing you in Comets.

Hope this helps. :)

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get a fast sports car or bike and go to the junkyard entrance (but dont let them see you) then type panzer & u will get a tank then go kiling everybody with it but dont let any one pull u out then get out where lance is and shoot the guys with a machine gun then get lance & go to da hospital in the tank (nobody can blast u)

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  Nate10 said:
Double post.Sorry but I beat the mission.The trashmaster worked great.Thanks guys.I beat the one to help Cortez and now I only have the first Love Fist mission.I always lose by liek 5 seconds.I'm sure I don't need help on it.If so,i'll make a topic.

Congrats and we'll be here if you need help on the next mission. :)

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Umm lol,I beat that mission like an hour or two ago.Anyways,right now i'm on the last biker mission,it's sorta tough but I hate that mission.It's one of those missions where i hate to do it unless a friend is over.And I'm also on the mission where I have to break everythnig in the mall.Lost by like 12 seconds the first time.Havn't tried it again yet.

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