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Vice city xbox PARACHETE!


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Hi, I'm new here and here is my question... my friend flew a tank up really high and landed on a tall building and found a secret red(ish) parachute. People say there isn't one but it is on the latest xbox version of VC and he found it twice actually before he had san andreas so he wasn't mistaken. Can someone PLEASE tell me where the building with the vc parachute ontop is?

Many thanks


PS. I don't think I am wrong saying this. 'cos you guys will have to look HARD to find the PARACHUTE!!! :) :) :);) ;) ;)

Edited by will99
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  will99 said:
Hi, I'm new here and here is my question... my friend flew a tank up really high and landed on a tall building and found a secret red(ish) parachute. People say there isn't one but it is on the latest xbox version of VC and he found it twice actually before he had san andreas so he wasn't mistaken. Can someone PLEASE tell me where the building with the vc parachute ontop is?


there a video.

Many thanks


Oh, I appologize for the double post, but I found out the parachute is on one of the buildings in "downton VC" next to a helipad on Xbox/pc but not ps2 version! It is quite a high building which the heli can just about reach. I'm looking at the moment and if you find it, PLZ!!! tell me where???



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  Dazza said:
I think i have seen it, but all it is, is a leave in, sometimes R* makes stuff for the new games when they make the old games, Eg: the vc maverick in LCS

So is there one? please tell :worship: my friend found it somewhere in downton VC next to a heli pad, if find it please tell me, 'cos I've never parachuted before. (haven't got san andreas)If you can tell me I will be really, really, really greatful :thumbsup:

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  MrLlamaLlama said:
Did you read the posts above... Someone made a mod or a custom script or w/e and used it in VC, its not in a 'stock' version of the game... <_<

I'm not talking about the vid, I'm talking about the leave in hidden parachute in downtown some people think they have seen, and I know two people who have found it. NEXT TO A HELI - PAD on a highish building! You have to look hard for it 'cos it is hidden well my friend said!


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  Rashon125 said:
Well, it seems you were misinformed. The vid shows that modders put a parachute in the PC version of Vice City. If there was a parachute in Vice City without modding the game, then we'd all know where it is by now so there is no parachute in Vice City.

Oh, well, your probably right :cry::cry: Even though I heard more than 2 rumors and about 5 findings of a VC parachute in downtown.

go to www.gta3andvicecitygametalk.com for more VC parachute info.

-_-And Please, he wasn't mistaken. He explained it so well, he just couldn't be lieing, I'm still just having a little look in some very hard to find places.

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  Dazza said:
I think i have seen it, but all it is, is a leave in, sometimes R* makes stuff for the new games when they make the old games, Eg: the vc maverick in LCS

Bare with me LAST DOUBLE POST!!!!...OK? Dazza? can you please try and remember Some very litttle details of where you might of saw it? My friend said it was hear a Heli pad on a blue and white building somewhere. :worship:

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Listen, dude.... LISTEN..... Had they added it in the Xbox version, by NOW it would've been officially discovered and it would be all over the net. It's been out WAY TOO LONG for it not to have been discovered. There aren't that many heli pads in Downtown, VC. There's the News Station, the Police Station, Hyman Condo, and I think there's one that I don't know the name of the building.

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  Spaz The Great said:
Listen, dude.... LISTEN..... Had they added it in the Xbox version, by NOW it would've been officially discovered and it would be all over the net. It's been out WAY TOO LONG for it not to have been discovered. There aren't that many heli pads in Downtown, VC. There's the News Station, the Police Station, Hyman Condo, and I think there's one that I don't know the name of the building.

yeah it's a building near the "Hyman memorial Stadium. http://www.gametalk.com/talk/xbox/grand_th...ty/83599261.htm

go there to find out, that it is on the net. And yes, I've added many replys to try and get answers :lolbounce:

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  MrLlamaLlama said:
This guy doesn't get it... <_< He really really doesn't.

If it was there, pretty much everyone here would know (except n00bs), also in that video, the character model has been changed to fry from futurama. (whats to stop them having other mods?)


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  Jace said:
It's like the big foot bullshit in San Andreas. Nothing more than lies.

But it may be possible with a total conversion cause it will have everything then. I'v never used total convo though, I need gta 3 for that...

What do you mean by "Total Conversion" Jace?

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  Spaz The Great said:
It's a mod that pretty much changes EVERYTHING in a game. People have turned Vice City in GTA III, and total conversion mods have been made for SA, too.

Oh...SWEET....But I only have Vice city for PC and XBOX, thts why I want to find a parachute/jet pack or SOMETHING!! :lolbounce::coolthumbup::thumbsup:

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  Tommy Montana said:
  will99 said:
I have, and it's great! :thumbsup:

Uhhh...... I guess i know what Spaz Feels like....

Listen Will99, There isn't ANY Parachutes in GTA VC, as that won't exist yet, even if it's a mod great, But it should be all over the net if it's been official.

All I know to my Knowlage (not yours) that it is in quite a few XBOX GTA forums. :rolleyes:

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