Vice City Assets

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City introduces a new feature which makes your money more useful. Progressing through the game, you begin to open up new safehouses and businesses which you can purchase. The safehouses give you additional places to save. The businesses also allow you to save, but additionally can earn you money - usually after completing missions there.

Safe Houses

Skumole Shack
Location: Downtown, round the corner from the biker bar
Price: $1,000
Notes: A complete waste of wood, rat infested, burnt out piece of crap

3321 Vice Point
Location: Vice Point, north of the mall
Price: $2,500
Notes: cheap

1102 Washington Street
Location: Washington Beach, opposite the lawyers place (Ken Rosenberg)
Price: $3,000
Notes: Cool, cheap

Links View Apartment
Location: Vice Point, just east of leaf links island
Price: $6,000
Notes: a garage for 1 vehicle

Ocean Heights
Location: South Ocean Beach
Price: $7,000
Notes: Nice, a garage for one vehicle

El Swanko Casa
Location: Vice Point, North central
Price: $8,000
Notes: Cool, a garage for one vehicle

Hyman Condo
Location: Downtown, East of Hyman memorial stadium
Price: $14,000
Notes: Awesome, 3 garages for 4 vehicles, 2 vehicles, 2 vehicles and a rooftop helipad


Location: East Vice Port
Price: $10,000
How to complete: Complete Checkpoint Charlie boat race
Notes: Makes $2,000 a day, access to the boats

Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory
Location: Little Havana, just off Starfish Island bridge
Price: $20,000
How to complete: Do the side mission in Mr. Whoopee and sell 50 in a row
Notes: Makes $3,000 a day

Pole Position
Location: South Ocean Beach
Price: $30,000
How to complete: Go into the first room on the left and watch the stripper and throw down $600 on it.
Notes: Makes $4,000 a day

Kaufman Cabs
Location: North of Little Haiti
Price: $40,000
How to complete: Complete its missions
Notes: Makes $5,000 a day

Sunshine Autos Car Showroom
Location: Southwest Little Haiti
Price: $50,000
How to complete: Complete showcase garage missions
Notes: each garage ups your daily money, Makes $9,000 maximum

Film Studio
Location: South Prawn Island
Price: $60,000
How to complete: Complete its missions
Notes: makes $7,000 a day

Counterfeit Money Print Works
Location: Southwest Little Haiti
Price: $70,000
How to complete: Complete its missions
Notes: makes $8,000 a day

The Malibu Club
Location: South Vice Point
Price: $120,000
How to complete: Complete its missions
Notes: makes $10,000 a day

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