Vice City Media Attention Levels

On your stats page you will notice a stat called 'Media Attention Level'. This refers to the highest level of media attention you got in one 'killing spree'.
One good way of getting this up really high is to go on a huge rampage; killing cops, the army and pretty much everything you come across. However, a much easier, albeit less fun way, is to get a minigun (when you have infinite ammo) and to hold down the shoot button and aim it at a tank, holding it down long enough will cause your level to skyrocket and you'll soon be at the highest it can get.

0 - 25 Ignored
25 - 50 Boring
50 - 75 Vaguely Interesting
75 - 100 Local Paper Page 7
100 - 150 Front Page of Local Paper
150 - 200 Vice Courier Page 2
200 - 250 Vice Courier Front Page
250 - 300 Local TV 3 AM
300 - 350 Local TV News
350 - 400 Local TV Live Coverage
400 - 500 UFA Today Page 12
500 - 600 UFA Today Page 4
600 - 700 Picture in UFA Today
700 - 800 National TV 4 AM
800 - 900 National TV News
900 - 1000 National TV Live Coverage
1000 - 1200 International News
1200 - 1400 National Crisis
1400 - 1600 International Crisis
1600 - 1800 World Event
1800+ Stuff of Legends

Some of our affiliates (view all): RockstarBase GTA Jucatori GTAJunkies