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Bugs in VCS


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Dont go any further unless you beat the storyline or unless you dont give a shit.

I found one of the biggest glitches in the game. In the one cut scene where Louise was dieing, she isnt there...Victor was just talking to a puddle of blood on the floor, rubbing the air as if she was there...which she was supposed to be.

Did this happen to any body else?

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The radio cutting out is tolerable, compared to what happened to me:

I'm driving around town, halfway through my shakedown racket. I go into Hardcore Pawn to bust up the joint, and when I walk out the door, I end up in the RIVER! Needless to say, I'm too far from either shore to make it back alive.

I'm also starting to experience attacks by disembodied motorcycles, and have been shot at by people who weren't there.

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Being shot by people who arent there is very strange. There seems to be a lot of obvious glitches instead of subtle ones you can live with.

Yeah, I went to take over a location. I destroyed the motorcycle, then when the bikers are supposed to come after you, I heard shots, got shot, and saw no one. There was also a triangle blip suggesting they were in the river.

They weren't!

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The list of glitches currently pissing me off:

  1. Vehicles you store in garages don't stay there
  2. Every time you turn in a vehicle it sounds as if you're skidding along, even if it's just the slightest of turns
  3. If a tyre is blown out when driving along all you hear is a constant skidding sound
  4. The empire building glitch I described here
  5. On missions for the film studio where ramps are placed in the road, your car will occasionally get stuck in them so you can't finish the mission
  6. In helicopters the camera is static - so when you tilt forward you can't really see where you're going as the camera is behind looking at the roads below
  7. When you get in a vehicle it sometimes takes up to 10 seconds before you hear any engine sounds or radio
  8. When travelling at high speed textures take forever to load, sometimes you have to slow down and wait until the scenery appears so you can make sure you're not crashing into foliage and walls etc.
  9. Radio stations will randomly cut in and out
  10. AI for people on your team (such as Lance) is appalling, they will do things such as sprint straight into the vehicle they are supposed to get in (the one you're driving) and won't open the door until you reverse or move a bit. On foot they sometimes run right in front of you while you're shooting so you kill them and fail the mission.
  11. This one is rare but sometimes you kill a ped (the target is black) yet the still get up and walk around, and you have to kill them again so they actually stay dead.

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Way to fast.I'm actually mad.We should tell R* these glitches and make em' fix them.

You guys are kidding right?

-Gym glitch. You cant work out at the gym, it keeps saying you've worked out enough and you have to come back later. When you come back later, it gives you the same message

-Basketball glitch. Basketballs dissapear and you cant play the basketball mini-game

-girlfriend glitch. Girlfriends arnt home at the time they're suppoed to be home

-peds raise arms glitch. The peds in some interiors raise thier arms up even though you havent fired a gun or locked onto anybody. Casinos and pool games wont work properly then. Even if you exit the interior and come back, theier arms are still up

-wrong sex appeal glitch. When you change haircuts, clothes, etc the sex appeal numbers arnt correct and can somtimes make you have the wrong amount of sex appeal. Once I wore nothing but had the sex appeal as if I was wearing a full tuxedo.

-Madd Dogg glitch. Madd Dogg jumps off the roof the second you get control of CJ, impossible to complete the mission and finish the game.

-Ped wont die glitch. The peds health is black when you lock onto them but theyre not dead. Ive tried shotting them, runing them over, but they just wont die. Only drowining or a stab in the neck with a knife can kill them

-No fire extinguisher glitch. Happends when you start a new game in the options menu.

-Girfriend reward glitch. If you start a new game in the menu and you had Barbera or Katie as a girlfriend in the previous save, you wont lose yoiur weapons in the new save, even though you dont have the girlfriends yet.

These are all of the major glitches I can remember. There are plenty of small glitches like cars getting stuck in walls, etc

Double post.Sorry.But these are able to live with,these VCS glitches to me sound like un toleratable at all.

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