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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/12 in all areas

  1. Does anyone else see the irony in how every time one of these topics get posted it actually gets a decent amount of responses? Lol. OGTAM was banned years ago for constantly disrespecting staff. Actually it wasn't constant, but he did it enough times to get noticed by pretty much every moderator at that time, and after enough times we simply decided to ban him. If he came back now I'd let him back. People change a lot over the years. I'd give him a second chance, if I saw no change then obviously I'd just ban again. I'm willing to give most people a second chance, but there are no third chances. As Llama said, most of us would love to spend a lot more time here but we simply don't have as much time to do so as we did before. I think ALL of old members are now of the age where they have full-time jobs or are busy getting educated etc. And as these members moved on and spent less time here, we, for a variety of reasons, weren't able to keep up the activity by enticing new members to join, so there were no replacements and activity died down to what it is today. GTA V will increase activity no doubt about it, we'll have to work at enticing everyone to stay here. Needs an effort on everyone's part though. People make the community, not what features we do or don't have.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Yeah, that's the problem - some people are just too gullible.
    1 point
  4. Everyone who was active in the old days was roughly the same age. To be honest, I reckon everyone just sorta grew up a bit and had to deal with life. Chris and Gerard got jobs, Spaz achieved spiritual enlightenment and ascended to a higher state of being, Sky got married () Urbanoutlaw probably got on his Harley and went on an actual rampage (nothing personal if you ever get round to reading this dude, just.. dat beard.) The likes of Noru, Jace, Red Devil, TNF, JayD, whoever Scott is (only know him via facebook now) edit: oh lol you posted above, sup dude? went to uni. Even the crazy people who turned up to troll occasionally dropped off the face of the earth. (Old staff / elites? who was the guy obsessed with Nascar? And the guy who was gonna like give up TV and shit? I lol'd) Dom's working on other projects and is kinda around. Ivan, Ciaran, Pilk, GTADON, Spidervice and WRX22B... Yellowjacket, OGTAM idk what happened with them. I know at least one of them's alive. We had a freakin' sweet community at one point. There were sour spots, back when the flame pit (idk what it was called) existed. But it was mainly everyone vs spaz and he never threw his toys out the pram about it . Harwood got banned which was probably pretty harmful to activity since he had some strong friendships but I honestly can't remember why that happened so I can't say for sure. Feels good to reminisce, and as much as I'd love this community to elevate back to where it was, and think it still could, the general standard of internet personality / behaviour is far lower than it was in the day.
    1 point
  5. I know but people still need to be aware, even if the sites have been around for months. And it's always good to still warm people, because some people out there don't even consider the risks.
    1 point
  6. Old news! Btw these type of sites were active since the very first trailer that was sooooooo.....ten months ago. Anyways, since Rockstar already have said and i quote "If you didn't hear it from here( http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire ) it is obviously fake."
    1 point
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