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  1. This is the same as the Xbox topic, post your PSN ID so other people can find you and you can find other people from the forums.
    1 point
  2. The Guardian's Matt Hill has today posted his rather lengthy interview with Dan Houser (Hill claims the transcript ran to over 10,000 words). The interview covers a number of topics, from Houser's meticulous nature in studying cities used in GTA games, to his self-admitted unstructured and disorganised being. The main theme of the interview, though, is the comparison between videogames and movies, and how the former is constantly getting more and more relevant these days. Hill points out how Grand Theft Auto IV made $ 310m on its release day alone back in 2008, that was a world record at the time in any kind of media. Houser also talks about how Grand Theft Auto couldn't really work as a movie, or even a TV show, as they'd lose too much in terms of storytelling - GTAV is 100 hours long, so when you think about it like this, it's easy to understand why it would be impossible to condense it into a 2 hour film. A videogame is the perfect medium for certain types of storytelling and immersion, and Grand Theft Auto fits squarely into that. Plenty more quotes like that can be read in the full interview over at The Guardian.
    1 point
  3. If I can wait 12 days without my brain melting, I can wait another 12 hours or so. Look at it as a reward for a Tuesday's hard day of work, school, or whatever your daily responsibilities are.
    1 point
  4. Well, the UK is, geographically speaking, a fairly small country. Shipping with first class postage as GAME said they would should mean the vast majority of customers will receive the game on release day. Other retailers such as Amazon offered pre-orders with release day delivery guarantee. So I imagine they may even ignore that request from R* in order to have greater chance of meeting that guarantee they offered. Rockstar's own Warehouse also guarantees release day delivery on pre-orders.
    1 point
  5. As we tell everyone... you might have a better chance recruiting if you'd actually post and be active around the forums. Posting an ad every semi-active gta fansite isn't going to do much.
    1 point
  6. This is going to be a huge list of all the secrets and easter eggs found in San Andreas, Hopefully we will get a whole lot of members posting where the secret is and preferably some pictures of it too if possible. I will be posting some pictures later of course, and this will also be going on the main site too. 1 - No easter eggs sign Up on top of Gant Bridge there a sign ironically reading "There are no Easter Eggs up here, go away!" 2. Area 69 A spoof on the real life military base Area 51, supposedly involved with extra-terrestrial lifeforms. It is also heavily guarded like the real life base, and also, shares its name with the sexual position. 3. USS NumNutz The name of a submarine in the San Fierro waters 4. Unmarked Pay and Spray There's a pay n spray in Las Venturas which Rockstar have left in the game however it is not marked on the map for some reason. 5. Hippy Shopper Rockstar having a bash at real life shopping chain 'Happy Shopper' 6. Rockstar Merchandise Go into Zero's RC shop and see Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance and James Earl Cash (from Manhunt). There are also RC version of Hydras, Rhinos and NRG-500s 7. - R.I.P Opposition 1997-2004 Gravestone: At the War Memorial located in San Fierro near the Hippy Shopper, near the top of the war memorial you will see the gravestone that reads ‘R.I.P Opposition 1997-2004’ referring to rival game companies attempting to create better games. 8. World Largest Cock Obviously there's a sexual innuendo here, but it's also relating to the stupid 'world biggest' records people try to achieve. 9. V-Rock Hotel Relating to Vice City's V-Rock station where Lazlow was DJ, and also in real life to the Hard Rock Cafe. 10. Remeniscient Poker Cards The cards on the Video Poker machines in the casinos are pictures of characters from the GTA3 and VC. 11. Self Pleasure Statue If yo go into the Plaza in Los Santos you will notice the statue in the center of the square is pleasuring himself. the other statues around him look on in shock 12. True Grime billboard At Unity Station there is a billboard advertising True Grime, this is relating to the crappy game that was True Crime: Streets of LA 13. North Rock Paying homage to Rockstar North, there is a place in San Andreas called North Rock 14. Jesus Saves There is a wall in Los Santos with a drawing of Mary and Jesus Saves written next to it, this is referring to GTA2 where the building where you saved the game said this Non-Location Specific: 1. Rogue Magazine Seems to be taking a stab at Vogue magazine Note: This list is constantly being updated
    1 point
  7. I'll post the scary ones: 1. WW2 Stalker Plane-Go to any place where you are by yourself. (No roads, no cars, no peds, just you) You will hear the engine of the rustler plane. You will then see it. It goes whereever you go. As soon as it goes off screen it disappears. 2. Bodybags and Phonebooth-In the middle of the dessert there are badybags and a phonebooth that only appear at night. When you answer the phone, no one's there even though it's ringing. 3. Farmer Chainsaw Chase-Go to the farm close to Mt. Chilliad with all the No Tresspassing signs. At night a farmer will come out and stealth-kill you. 4. Ghost Cars-In Back o' Beyond in between the two horseshoe shaped hills at 2AM game time, two beat-up Gelendale cars will roll down at you. No drivers, cars are started. ****************************************************************** Things not confirmed: 1. Bigfoot/Yeti-In the badlands there is a bigfoot yeti monster who will kill you. 2. CJ's Mom's Ghost- From 23:00 to 1:00 CJ's Mom's ghost haunts the Johnson house in the living room and bedroom.
    1 point
  8. This thread holds all the rules of the forum. While we try to present ourselves as being a fairly laid back community, there are of course some explicit rules which are here to keep everything friendly and the forums running as smoothly as possible. No Spamming - Pretty obvious, but don't make spam posts outside of the Fun & Games forum. This includes posts of just a few words, or not relating to the topic in any way, posts containing just smilies, or just random nonsense. No Flaming - This includes insulting, racist, sexist or homophobic remarks, and outside of the Warzone forum this is not acceptable. No pornography - We like to keep the forums relatively family friendly. Members found posting links to or any pornographic media will be dealt with accordingly No warez - Discussion about illegally obtaining copyrighted material is strictly forbidden No Multiple Accounts - Unless you have a legit reason for creating another account, you should not be using more than one to post here. Members found using multiple accounts will be disposed of. No Advertising - Do not make topics/posts to advertise your website, or worse, advertise by PM'ing other members. Links in your sig are fine. No impersonation - Impersonating people such as R* employees, or trying to disguise yourself as another member is not allowed. No staff backchatting or ordering - Don't order staff around with orders like "close this topic" or "delete this post please" - The staff already know how to deal with this and will take care of it. Also, if a moderator/admin tells you to, remove your oversized signature, for example, then you must do so, don't argue with them. Staff have authority. You don't. Guidelines Keep on topic - Try to keep on topic at all times, when you go off topic (OT) it makes other people go OT too and then we get a topic full of posts unrelated to the OP's (original poster). Signature And Avatar Rules An avatar is a little picture you can have beneath your user name when you post a message. A signature is a message or picture that will be automatically added onto the end of each post you make Max Signature Size: Width - 500 pixels Height - 200 pixels Size: 100kb Max Avatar Size: Width - 100 pixels Height - 100 pixels Size - 30kb If your signature is larger than the specified you will be notified by a mod and be given 24 hours to change it. If it is still unchaged after 24 hours it will be removed and a message left in place of it. Breaking any of the rules set out here will result in administrative or moderative action being taken on your and/or your posts. Generally your topic will be locked or deleted, and you will be warned for repeated offences. Depending on the severity of offence and habitualness of them, you may receive a suspension or a permanent ban. We reserve the right to remove you from the forums without giving any prior warning. You should of course follow basic 'netiquette' when posting on these forums. i.e. you shouldn't be posting in AIM/MSN speak or whatever. Just type natural English with good spelling and grammar, and remember we are an international forum, so not everyone speaks English as their first language and may have trouble understanding you. If you're new to forums in general, it's probably best you lurk for a while, just to get a feel for how things are done, before you start posting yourself. Using the search feature should be your first action when you're looking for a quick answer to a question you have, or browsing the first few pages of the related subforum. Do this before starting a new topic, as this will make sure we don't get forums full of duplicated topics. A Note About Bumping Topics If you've found a topic in which the posts were all made a long time ago, you should ask yourself this question before replying. Is this topic useful and/or will other members appreciate me bringing this topic back up to the first page? Now if the answer to this is yes, then you're fine so long as your reply is on topic and somewhat meaningful and/or insightful. There's no point bumping a topic and just saying "thanks for the info". If the answer is no, then there porbably isn't much point replying. Bumping old topics which aren't on the first 2 pages of a forum without a worth reply will usually result in the locking of the topic, and/or your post being deleted. You'll be warned for repeat offences. As long as you use a bit of common sense when using these forums you should get on just fine. We want the forum to be clean and fun, so abiding by these rules will help in the continual running of this place. So enjoy the forums and enjoy the community! A more in depth guide for newbie members can be found here in the near future, which explains in more detail about terminology and other important things.
    1 point
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