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  1. Diversity is all we should hope for, I add things that I think tie into at least my idea of entertainment, if not related in some ways to Rockstar, GTA, or gaming as a whole. I wore out my welcome it seems on a number of older forums I'd joined, but keep in mind, the most vocal of ALL PARTICIPANTS will ALWAYS be those who object loudest. You never, or rarely hear from people saying things are going along great, and they have no qualms. It would help me and others to have some better online communication so that things aren't as easily misconstrued. However, what I abhor is people being mean because that's how they operate. They should have learned better when they were raised to treat people the way YOU yourself want to be treated. Keep in mind what you like in terms of others' appreciation and how they relate to you and endeavor to do the same. @Nate10, I figured we'd got off on the right foot here early on, but you seem to be bothered more then a bit by me at this stage. I probably asked you to join me on the gaming online segment (PSN, XBL) but I don't see you there now. The thing you seem to suggest is just posting frequently that it's hard to avoid my posts, well, I can avoid reading anything I don't share interest in, I suppose curiousity MIGHT get the better of you, but I put things in that may or may not get a reply because I don't expect the success we once had, and the amazing amount of replies one gets at GTAForums, that just won't happen anywhere else other then YouTube or Facebook, Twitter is still pretty active too, I think most people do prefer Facebook over all the other social networks. What I hate is all the damn email updates from both! They flood my in-box! hahaha
    2 points
  2. Considering how defensive you've become over some people not being interested in what you have to say, I think you fear rejection a whole lot more than you actually are subject to being rejected. You're false in assuming people avoid your posts to single you out, and even more false in thinking people can't choose to avoid you. I reject the notion I'm wrong without facts, or in partiality, correct. I also object to people calling me 'creepy' which they've done, at GTAForums in particular. It comes across as not liking people so you poll for a ban on them participating in a forum where all walks of life SHOULD be represented. I present the absolute truth to the best of my ability, but I am human, I also make mistakes. You and everyone else in the room and the World are privy to error. Yes, I'm lonely a lot of the time, my friends all have let life get in the way... of fun!! I'm blamed for lack of multiple users active posting, or not in so many words, I'd stay away from 4Chan on what I'd heard about it. I'm not a Jerry Springer Reject, as I was also called. I'm a loner in many ways because of asbergers I suppose. Also I'm an introvert in a public social setting. I use Twitter and Facebook but I don't like them as much as standard forums, but I learned to ween my participation from the earliest days, where I spent hours online at a forum like GTA or in Usenet tech chats, BCRich Handmade Forums, circa 2002
    2 points
  3. You can opt-out of those notifcation emails, FYI.
    1 point
  4. I never thought of it from your perspective Slam. i'm sorry people have been such cunts to you in the past...but we barely know one another you and I, and if we get new members somehow, it's a different audience who won't look at you for your past but for what you offer in your life experience. Don't feel so down you old bastard, I don't hate ya. It's not your fault people don't post. I'm trying to post more tho..I've got some time on my hands. Keep your head up.
    1 point
  5. Don't feel so bad dude, you're not alone with that one, for one thing. I know of friends who have Aspergers or some other form of autism, so I do feel you in that regard. People tend to condescend and mock at those in the spectrum, and that's mostly because they don't know how it feels like, along with the fact that the mainstream media sometimes portray them in a rather unfavourable light, I'm afraid.
    1 point
  6. Rejecting the notion that people can choose to avoid you is delusional. I'll explain it for you though. People don't avoid your posts to single you out, and believing that invalidates others' feelings, making it about yourself(I hope you recognize the individualistic standpoint I'm expressing).Your lack of succinctness and one-sided speech makes people avoid your posts.. You have trouble gaining peoples' interest, but asberger's does not define you Black. It defines how the wires work in you.
    1 point
  7. I agree with you. I do. It's just the same problem rears it's ugly face - the lack of diversity here. We need more posters. Props to the dude who keeps this site up btw...even if it's not active.
    1 point
  8. When I joined here it was only marginally more active then it seems to be, You have normal GTA die-hards who want to know what people are thinking, I never join a forum to lurk, I only want to express and share thoughts, and not to be big-headed about things in the slightest. If that's what people take away, they're DEAD WRONG. I like the sharing of a common interest and it's always spun out of my love for art and electronic, interactive gaming, as far back as those handheld blip based Mattel sports games. I hated sports, but they were keenly deviced. Texas Instruments gets a lot of credit for the Speak and Spell technology in the 70s helping to aid computerized voices that sound authentic! Coleco offered both the VISION and Gemini among the handheld arcade games it had great success with, and of course, I love original coin op arcade classics that I was weened on
    1 point
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