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Everything posted by mike_subuzi

  1. $ 20 goes to nick kang for the one question clue : the vehicle used in quarry mission is also used in exsplosive situation
  2. Tommys right all 3 gta games have additional people for the boxart they were not intended to be in the game .
  3. I dont think gta-player is here because skyline told him to get of this topic .
  4. Well someone had to reply to you so thats what i did . If most members are active why do so many threads die out ?
  5. What do you think of my signiture it is a list of my favourite members some people might be suprised to be on the list just take a look below this post and tell me what you think . thank you
  6. Caud, you need to stop double posting it will just add to your warn level . thanks name the vehicle used in quarry missions 3 and 4 name the character who is the biggest pimp in town
  7. Well a song like that wouldent go in the charts it doesent sound like a song you hear a lot on tv or on the radio .
  8. I think he means that Jason started a san andreas releated topic in the suggestions forum and this thread is way offtopic for this forum .
  9. I am working on my own song it is far from finished right now . " I know a guy , who knows a guy, who knows a guy i used to work for " his name is cam , i saw him at the dam nothing but the jam . he started to f*ck up his bi*ch drowned in a ditch he wasent rich . I truly suck at making music so be nice enough to help me out here . thanks .
  10. I liked the music on master sounds such as ill be your friend and most of radio los santos and radio x .
  11. how did you know it was jimmy ? offtopic : you get $ 50 and what forum is the shop at ?
  12. The cheetah was best as a vigilante vehicle not really for racing it was fast but lacked in damage capabilities .
  13. I will be buying all of the following - burnout 4 - gta on psp - the godfather - the next gta game - hitman : blood money - need for speed : most wanted - true crime 2 - resident evil 4 - silent hill 5
  14. What new features will be in hitman : blood money i know they are tons of new features otherwise it will not even be as good as contracts and i want it to be much better so if you have any info on the new features dont be afraid to post in this thread .
  15. I agree with you tommy they are tons of things they could have added in . Driver 3 has more glitches than san andreas and it is only half the size . you cannot dive underwater and they are no helicopters and they are too few weapons .
  16. I think it is nearly as good as gta : vice city . You can blow up buildings and free roam around the towns,mountains etc and thanks for the cheats nick .
  17. I would say he means the gta place and claude dident mention posting other peoples work he said make your own songs and post them on this thread .
  18. Of course your territory taken over percentage will go down to about 30% but they will be tripple territory to take over and run. It is a boring process doing the glitch but it is worth the trouble .
  19. They must be some kind of a glitch i can see no other explanation . I got that glitch once .
  20. They was going to be a fourth ogf gangster in the los sepercros mission they is a bald homie that doesent look like the other three . Do you know what gangster i am talking about ?
  21. Did this fire destroy the forest and spread everywhere ? most of the time the fire stays on a part of the forest and doesent spread much .
  22. My favourite racing car is the sabre turbo . My second favourite is the stinger . what are your favourites ?
  23. But dident you need to complete the cuban missions to do the last mission ?
  24. I voted for Asuka Kasen because she is a master of torture and is the main yakuza leader .
  25. What are your favourite missions ? mine are the following . pump action pimp the getaway plaster blaster grand theft aero rigged to blow pepperatzi purge smackdown kanbu bustout casino calamintary a ride in the park big,n vieny her lover mafia massacre bait the exchange
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