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Spaz The Great

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Everything posted by Spaz The Great

  1. I think Pagan told me Chris was installing something. I think it might have something to do with the clock on the top of the forums, right above the banner.
  2. I'll tell you schwat this is. One of de greatest parody bands ever. They did Mario Twins, Schfifty Five, Johnny Poo-Poo Pants, BANG BANG BANG!, and alot others. Look on joke sites and stuff for the flashes. Or use Kazaa and get the songs. I think the bands site is www.groupxarab.com. I might be wrong.
  3. I could post one of you.....
  4. Well actually first i deleted the text then looked for the font((couldnt remember what it was)), then typred in your name, added some layer styles to it. Then saved it...
  5. Uh... o... k... Well look around on forums for scripters and designers, tell them i want it to be like RuneScape.
  6. Still have it, think i took the disc back with the adapter? Screw that! For the past two nights i've ben playing TH:UG for some odd reason.... I finally took the time to beat that stupid line pyro...
  7. 1820......... Grand Theft Horse And Buggy...........
  8. -yawns- It doesnt matter all i did was take an old sig and change some font, woohoo...
  9. I had a chance to go to E3, it wouldve been cool. Too bad.
  10. Lol Noooo Pyro!-pats him on the shoulder- No you have good graphics, thats a good boy! -thumbs up to the other mental ward staff-
  11. She knows you too. And a few others from back in the ASF days.
  12. Pyro, help me find designers and scripters i'll let you have like a super character or something, you know what the normal people wont have.
  13. I have found you can find, Hapiness in slavery!
  14. Yes, and i already have the islande. I just need to put roads, buildings, places, you know, all the details.
  15. Ok, i was messing around on Bryce, and noticed i could make a really cool looking island. Thats when it hit me, an online MMorpg((or something like that)). You know, a RuneScape type of game. I want to make a free roam game like RuneScape, Diablo, and things like that. There isnt going to be a storyline, or a way to win. Just a game to play around on. Its going to be for ECcom, if anyone knows how to script a game like this for me, please PM me.
  16. What old one? I've went through a few in the past few weeks.
  17. Actually i posted that, we were at my house and i forgot to log him out.
  18. Sorry for the double post, but is this what you were asking for pyro? If so then here, but for some reason i dont think it looks right.
  19. You see, thats sort of a, problem. I dont have the .psd for that sig....
  20. My Spaz sig took way longer to make then all three of the ones on the poll. The spas and lightbulb sig was just for fun.
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