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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I've only been here for 5 months or something but I feel like I've been here for ages, people are cool( there are exceptions), I come here everyday, I love this site and I hope it never ends. Big credits to everyone that made this site possible and to every member that obeys the rules.
  2. Ivan

    Assassin's creed

    Stick with COD4. I should have bought that one...
  3. I hate Zac Efron... stupid actor( he performs in the High School "Shit")
  4. I like the fact there's a new trailer but I think the boxart is not one of the best rockstar made... it's still cool.
  5. Ivan

    Assassin's creed

    Don't make the same error that I did... DON'T BUY IT. All those bad things they been saying are true and I trully regret buying this game, make your self a favour and don't buy it
  6. Ivan


    I don't think anyone will give you that but like you bought the game, maybe someone will give you one.
  7. Ok, I saved it and now I don't know how to change the file type again, how do I do that?
  8. I added you on msn.

  9. I made a sig, I saved it, when i tried to upload it it says error because the file type is no permitted and the size is too big. I think the size is 700x400. Please help and sorry for making all these posts but I really need someone to help me.
  10. what's your msn?

  11. Noobs... it's what they like to do. It's strange the fact this shit hapens alot these days
  12. Gay porn... joking I think it was gta place
  13. I thought you were cool but now I see you are a complete asshole. Good bye and I hope you never come back, you are just one of those noobs that join and then leave for stupid reasons.
  14. Ok Connor thanks... I will try.
  15. How do I make transparencies in pic's?
  16. Ivan

    Cool t-shirt...:)

  17. Portugal passed although they are playing a bit bad.
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