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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Criticising is not insulting so I won't take it to the warzone.
  2. What's the prob? I'm not perfect,nobody is, but just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean I can' criticise others.
  3. I'm not insulting anyone but if he is sick then he should change.
  4. What are you talking about? That's not funny.
  5. My god, I really love this trailer. I want the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. That's bullshit, footballers that are really good at what they do deserve to be paid like anyone, football isn't just kicking a ball, everyone that is good at what they do deserve to be paid.
  7. Damn... I forgot it's tomorrow, I think we will see gameplay scenes.
  8. it isn't "legende", it's legend

  9. Vice city isn't fun if it isn't the 80's, I would love to play again in vice city but in the 80's.
  10. I'm good, you?

  11. I will check out the city, see the new rides and then missions.
  12. I had a bad mark at history, that pisses me off.
  13. My ps3 name is smothboy... add me please. Excelent news PS3 beated the wii in japan.
  14. What can I do? Please help me.
  15. Like the way you made this topic, they are pretty cool. Everyone should listen to their songs.
  16. Barking dogs are annoying.
  17. I live in Porto, it's kinda cool but I would love to live in England.
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