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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ermmmm.... How is the GameCube better than the Wii? The Wii plays GC games, AND Wii games.... AND NES, SNES, Genesis, TurboGrafx, and I THINK NeoGeo? Oh, and N64. And you can't argue hardware differences, it's based on the same chipset((or similar? I forgot)) Why do you think i said Shitcube Because it obviously fucking sucks. But you also said it owns all so I guess Spaz is right
  2. I'm sure they aren't coincidences but who knows...
  3. And in the same sense.... GTA, MGS, Halo, etc. are good games, but when you want some Mario or Zelda((<3<3<3)), you go to the Wii((or whatever you play it on, really, I mean, honestly)). Yeah, that's what I said. I would love to play Zelda but never played
  4. can you give me your msn?

  5. Congrats, hope you have loads of fun, this can be your last one! , just kidding, have a lot of birthdays.
  6. Banned for banning me because I said you were sick.
  7. I prefer the old one although the other is cool too.
  8. The PS3 will outsell the other consoles in a lot of countries because of MGS4, I like to play fun and simple games( I love platform games) and I think that Mario, Zelda, etc... are really really good games but when you want to play GTA, MGS, etc... you go to the XBOX 360 or the PS3. I'm just saying that you kinda can't compare the WII with the XBOX 360 or the PS3, the WII was made for different things, now I respect the WII but I still want to play powerfull games with the PS3.
  9. I agree with you but the fact that it sold a lot shows it's a great automatic rifle.
  10. I said "look like me" because I kinda act the same way as you about GTA4.
  11. No prob.... gaming is very important in my life too, good to know you seem to look like me.
  12. It's not necessary to take this to the warzone, I wasn't fighting anyone. Back on topic, I think that there are a lot of disturbed people that do this.... it's really bad to live in a country with people like taht.
  13. Ya know that the AK-47 was one of the most sold automatic rifles of all time? Why do you think that hapened... I'm 13 but I don't have a kiddie attitude. And I actually know lots of guns.
  14. Smallpancake is so damn right, his post really makes sense and I love the AK... really love it.
  15. I'm playing Daxter for the PSP,damn... platform games are so damn cool
  16. Yeah I agree with Red Devil, Rockstar won't do shit with GTA4.
  17. You are right Llama, Sony is selling more PSP's than PS3's, PS3 is winning WII in Japan,that's good.
  18. I mean "no" instead of "know"

  19. Cool, I'm learning French but I had know clue about that.

  20. You have the best avatar ever.

  21. Eva:Will they fuck me if they catch me?
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