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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Boxers most of the time but I do have some boxer briefs.
  2. Eh, I can actually understand most of it since I'm Portuguese and both languages are kinda similar.
  3. There's no software for screenshots? Please explain yourself. He wasn't referring to that.
  4. Haha, he sure is a noob. Nice vid man.
  5. Well the guy who gave the interview, forgot his name, stated that noir is not only about gloomy colors and sad music, so they think Sao Paolo will fit for the new MP episode. I dunno what to say, yeah I say also it's a sunny city, but it's certainly the host of some dark stories in it's "maze-like" streets. We'll just have to wait and see. Yeah, saw that interview too and there's still going to be probably times where you'll be at night, raining and shit.
  6. Yeah, but what about the noir theme that was so awesome from the previous games? In Brazil it's always hot and there isn't much rain, a lot of sun,etc.. not exactly what Max Payne is all about but I guess it could work, just in a different way.
  7. Happy birthday dude! Hope you can continue to own noobs and do all the shit you like
  8. Yeah, doesn't make a lot of sense to me aswell, unless it's in a day really really hot.
  9. I shower only at night or the afternoon, never in the morning because I have school and shit and I need time to fix my hair.
  10. They could just make the usual actor pull a older voice and shit, at least that's what I think would be best.
  11. Fuck, that's awfull but thanks for the news anyway.
  12. Awesome pics, is it just me or Max has a lot more muscle this time around?
  13. What does being gay have anything to do with enjoying the game? Anyway, yeah this has been announced already.
  14. That's tight as fuck. @ Jade - Hope shit gets worked out for you man.:/ Yea, gonna have to sell my psp so I can buy that one....
  15. Have I added you? Can't remember Anyway, I also have the 60 gb model, I was actually one of the first persons to get the PS3 here in Portugal. Never had any probs with it fortunately, only some probs with Fifa 09 but that's the game's fault.
  16. Fuck, they should give you a new console.
  17. Well, happy birthday even if you aren't around
  18. Dunno why but most of the time I look like a drug addict everytime someone takes a picture of me
  19. Yeah, I got out of school Thursday so this is my second day of summer. Any plans for summer man? Probably just staying at home with nothing to do But at like the end of summer I'm going away with my parents and my sister's boyfriend to some stupid place, overall summer doesn't sound too good but eh fuck it.
  20. School ended like 3 days ago, thought I'd feel good but it was exactly the opposite, I had some stuff there I'll really miss and I doubt I'll have again but that's life and I guess I gotta move on. Anyway, I'll have exams next week so yeah, I've been studying a bit.
  21. If you're not in a rush, why does it suck so much to wait? I think waiting is the best option to be honest, I think that if you do it any other way shit will happen.
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