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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Lolz, the car doesn't get stolen, the game is just programmed for make the cars dissapear at a certain distance. Try the Remember mod located Here (Click me)
  2. Avi: 8/10 Sig: 8.32/10 Person: Seems very cool.
  3. ^ Frick you! < Sleeping v Is Raymond
  4. WTF? Gravity is soooooooooooo notceable! -10000/5
  5. There is a mod called San Andreas Ultimate mod... But I don't know where I downloaded it now, try Google.
  6. Of course it's fixed. You formatted the PC
  7. Did you see the name of the Virus?
  8. Hi!!!!!! Please enjoy the forums, respect the mods and read the rules.
  9. Use SA GXT Editor, you can find it Here (click me)
  10. This is reported too on PS2 version of SA in a burnt house in Montgomery, it's a random glitch.
  11. LOL, Harry, you failed his promise and he will kill you. You go to the forums heaven and you can post at the same but you can't eat or make anythong but forums.
  12. Cool, cool. You've made it good!
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