Well i recently got a Xbox 360 about a week ago and every thing worked fine and i played alot.
On Friday while i was playing it i froze for no reason and so i just restarted my 360 and started to play again, but after 7min of playing it froze again! so i poped out the disk looked at it and it was totally fine but i tried a different game just to see if it was the disk and what do ya know it froze again after like 5 minutes it even froze when only on the dashboard. Next i called support and they told my to take the hard drive and all of the cords out and and try again and it still froze.
I called again and i had to talk to this guy i couldent even understand very well while i was just about to hang up i turned my Xbox on and i got this,
I told him and he said that they would ship a box to me so i could send my xbox to them for free repair and he said i could take 3 weeks for my to get it back and i have known others who have had this happen 3 times to them im just hoping their lieing. For now im just going to go back to the ole reliable ps2.